Page 64 - FoodFocusThailand No.212 NOVEMBER 2023
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remains, thereby causing the blood sugar levels to drop significantly, which
may lead to low blood sugar levels and can cause you to feel starving. ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional information
Blood sugar levels will remain normal for people who consume foods with ศููนย์์ทดสอบดัชนีนำ��ต�ล (Glycemic Index Center; GIC)
a low GI value. After 4-6 hours, the body releases certain hormones to มห�วิิทย์�ลัย์เชีย์งใหม่ เป็็นศููนย์์ทดสอบค่่� GI แห่งแรกของ
stabilize the blood sugar levels by stimulating the breakdown of glycogen, ป็ระเทศูไทย์ ที�พร้อมให้บริก�รต�มม�ตรฐ�น International
which are carbohydrates that accumulate in the body and increase the Organization for Standardization (ISO) โดย์เป็็นก�ร
production of glucose from other food sources, such as fat. Therefore, ดำ�เนินก�รร่วิมกันของศููนย์์นวิัตกรรมอ�ห�รและบรรจุุภััณฑ์์
consuming foods with a high GI will most likely cause an increase in fatty และสถ�บันวิิจุัย์วิิทย์�ศู�สตร์สุขภั�พ มห�วิิทย์�ลัย์
acid levels in the blood more than consuming foods with a low GI. On the เชีย์งใหม่
other hand, foods with a low GI can effectively support the body’s digestion Glycemic Index Center (GIC) of Chiang Mai University,
and cause a slower absorption rate, leading to a feeling of being full for Thailand’s first GI testing center, is ready to serve
a more extended period, thereby maintaining proper insulin and lipid levels according to the International Organization for
in the blood, thus contributing towards a positive impact on your health in Standardization (ISO) standard. GIC is also a joint
the long run.
operation of the Food and Packaging Innovation
Development Guidelines of Low Glycemic Index Foods Center (FIN) and the Research Institute for Health
Sciences, Chiang Mai University.
Currently, there are several options to reduce the GI value in food products,
such as substituting raw materials by introducing raw materials with a lower
GI value, which is considered a key nutritional strategy. Or, utilizing a form เอกสารอ้างอ่ง / References
Arranz-Martínez, P., Srikaeo, K. and González-Sánchez,
of carbohydrate exchange, such as substituting raw materials or food A. L. 2014. Effects of non-starch polysaccharides on
ingredients by replacing white flour or rice with a high GI value with physicochemical properties and in vitro starch digest-
unpolished grains, whole grain flour, or legumes, all of which possess a ibility of rice starches. Bioactive Carbohydrates and
lower GI value, such as using pea starch, or applying natural, physical, Dietary Fibre, 4(1): 6-15.
chemical and enzymatic modification to obtain starch that cannot be Cui, C., Wang, Y., Ying, J., Zhou, W., Li, D. and Wang,
digested by the enzymes in the small intestines, or known as resistant L. J. 2023. Low glycemic index noodle and pasta:
starch (RS). Such modification includes the use of heat, pressure, shear Cereal type, ingredient, and processing. Food
force, particle size reduction, irradiation, starch etherification, acetylation, Chemistry, 137188.
cross-linking, oxidation, and enzymatic modification. In this regard, one or da Silva, C. P., Soares-Freitas, R. A. M., Sampaio, G. R.,
more methods may be used. Santos, M. C. B., do Nascimento, T. P., Cameron, L.
The use of nutrients such as protein, fat, dietary fiber, and extracts from C., Cameronc, L.C., Larraz Ferreirab, M.S. Arêas, J.
certain plants in food ingredients can also effectively reduce the GI value A. G. 2019. Identification and action of phenolic
of food products. For example, using extracts from the Jatobá-do-cerrado compounds of Jatobá-do-cerrado (Hymenaea
stignocarpa Mart.) on α-amylase and α-glucosidase
(Hymenaea stignocarpa Mart.) in breads, which possess the ability to help activities and flour effect on glycemic response and
slow down or inhibit the absorption of sugar into small intestine, and the nutritional quality of breads. Food Research Interna-
addition of non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) dietary fibers to increase tional, 116: 1076-1083.
viscosity and parts that the body cannot break down, as well as contribute Long, T., Liu, K., Long, J., Li, J. and Cheng, L. 2022.
toward making the reaction of the enzyme so hard, such as using the gel Dietary glycemic index, glycemic load and cancer
from malva nut, using dietary fiber from cassava, and the use of various risk: a meta-analysis of prospective cohort
cellulose and hemicellulose raw materials, etc. studies. European Journal of Nutrition, 1-13.
Nayak, B., De J. Berrios, J. and Tang, J. 2014. Impact
How to Measure the Glycemic Index (GI)? of food processing on the glycemic index (GI) of
The testing of GI can be conducted through two key methods: 1) in vitro potato products. Food Research International, 56(0):
tests, which involve the measurement of the rate of starch digestion in a 35-46.
test tube to simulate the digestion of carbohydrates in the body. This method Phimolsiripol, Y., Siripatrawan, U., Teekachunhatean,
is suitable for rapid screening, and 2) in vivo tests, or clinical trials. This S., Wangtueai, S., Seesuriyachan, P., Surawang, S.,
method measures the digestion rates in healthy volunteers by consuming Laokuldilok, T., Regenstein, J.M. and Henry, C.J.K.
2017. Technological properties, in vitro starch digest-
the food to be tested to determine the blood glucose level and comparing ibility and in vivo glycaemic index of bread containing
it with food reference with a GI value of 100. Additionally, this method can crude malva nut gum. International Journal of Food
also be applied if testing is to be conducted on patient volunteers. Currently, Science and Technology, 52(4): 1035-1041.
there is a Glycemic Index Center (GIC) at Chiang Mai University for GI Sparvoli, F., Laureati, M., Pilu, R., Pagliarini, E., Toschi,
testing services. I., Giuberti, G., Fortunati, P., Daminati, M.G.,
From the constantly changing consumer needs, it may not be a matter Cominelli, E. and Bollini, R. 2016. Exploitation of
of just looking for “sugar-free” products, but it must also concern the increase common bean flours with low antinutrient content for
in blood sugar levels after food consumption. This is an essential opportunity making nutritionally enhanced biscuits. Frontiers in
for food and beverage manufacturers to accelerate the development of Plant Science, 7: 928.
“Low-GI” products to meet consumer demand in the continuously growing Wang, H., Peng, X., Zhang, K., Li, X., Zhao, P., Liu, H.
healthy food market. and Yu, W. 2023. A more general approach for pre-
dicting the glycemic index (GI) values of commercial
noodles. Journal of Food Composition and
Analysis, 119: 105226.
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