Page 64 - FoodFocusThailand No.192 March 2022
P. 64


              Food and Agricultural Product

              Exports Guidelines to China

              Currently, many importing countries, including China, have strict control of imported food and agricultural
              products to ensure consumers’ safety, including domestic plant and animal safety. Importing agricultural
              and food products to China is under The General Administration of Customs (GACC). It has requirements,
              regulations, and trade agreements to secure high-risk goods before importing. Therefore, the Thai government
              must control food product standards according to the mutual agreement and understanding with China,
              which can be classified as follows:

              Live Fishery Products Export                                              In the case of live marine shrimp,
              Aquatic products from Thailand are permitted to enter China, divided into four categories:   especially the black tiger prawns, which live
              edible aquatic animals for consumption, ornamental aquatic animals, aquatic animals for   in the deep seas away from the coast and
              breeding  or  farming,  and  aquatic  products.  Before  exporting  aquatic  products,  the   are normally found in the Gulf of Thailand and
              entrepreneur or producer must be completely certified by the Department of Fisheries and   the Andaman Sea was inspected rigorously.
              GACC. The list of species of edible aquatic animals was allowed to import according to the   The black tiger prawns must come from a
              Chinese customs declaration as shown in Table 1, with the following requirements:  farm  registered  by  the  Department  of
                                                                                     Fisheries, and these farms were certified GAP
               ตารางที่่� 1 สััตว์์น้ำำ��มีีชีีว์ิตเพื่่�อก�รบริโภคของไทยที�ประเทศจีีน้ำอน้ำุญ�ตให้้น้ำำ�เข้�   or CoC or GAP TAS 7401 or BAP or ASC
               Table 1 The list of edible aquatic animals allowed to enter China     standard. The results of the IHHNV (Infectious
                    กลุ่่�มสััตว์์น้ำำ��          ผลุ่ผลุ่ิตท�งก�รเกษตร              Hypodermal and Hematopoietic Necrosis
               Edible aquatic animals                 Species                        Virus) test in live shrimp must be reported in
                                                                                     all health certificates. In addition, the shrimp
               กุ้้�ง / Crustaceans  กุ้้�งขาว กุ้้�งมัังกุ้ร กุ้้�งกุ้้ลาดำำา  / Litopenaeus, Panulirus, Penaeus   pathogens  must  be  monitored  every  six
               หอย / Mollusca     หอยลาย หอยหวาน หอยแครง  / Paphia, Babylonia, Tegillarca  months.
               สััตว์เล้�อยคลาน / Reptiles  ตะพาบ  / Pelodiscus
               ปลา  / Fishes      ปลาไหล ปลาเกุ้๋า ปลากุ้ะพงขาว ปลาบ่� / Anago, Epinephelus, Lates, Oxyeleotris    Chilled & Frozen Fishery Products
                 1. Farm, hatchery, and packing house were listed as approved by the Department of   Most of the fishery products exported are in
              Fisheries.                                                             the form of frozen and chilled food, which
                 2. The health certificate must be available issued by the approved Department of Fisheries.   includes various types such as chilled
              The exporter can request a certificate from three sources: Phuket International Airport aquatic   Scomber australasicus, chilled  Thunnus
              checkpoint, Suvarnabhumi Airport animal quarantine station, and the aquatic animal   albacares, chilled Sepiida, chilled Porphyra,
              checkpoint at Don Mueang Airport.                                      frozen Trichiurus lepturus, frozen Dasyatis
                                                                                     akajei, frozen Portunus trituberculatus, and

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