Page 75 - FoodFocusThailand No.194 May 2022
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of one or more fresh vegetables, but both have no other food. Novel Food A novel food is divided into three groups
While a gift pack (combo pack) contains more than one kind of (1) a substance including a microorganism that does not yet
fresh fruits or vegetables together with other food. All three 5have a history of safe use as food (2) food that has been
packs have to clear a label applied or attached to the container manufactured, prepared, preserved, or packaged by a process
with no one type of fresh fruit or vegetable in the container that has not been previously used for that food and causes the
exceeding 1 kg. net weight, and the net weight does not exceed food to undergo a significant change and (3) food that comes
10 kg. However, some imported agricultural product like apples, from a plant, animal or microorganism that has been genetically
onions, and potatoes is an economic significance; therefore, it is modified so that the plant, animal or microorganism shows
necessary to be certified as meeting the Canadian grade characteristics that it didn’t before. Different processes can modify
requirements to avoid a negative impact on the Canadian organisms, including traditional breeding techniques (cross-
market. breeding) and modern biotechnology techniques, such as genetic
engineering, gene editing, and mutagenesis. The first approved
Food and Drug Act The regulation establishes genetically modified animal for sale in Canada is salmon. It has been
food safety and nutritional quality of all foods sold in Canada gene-edited so that it can grow all year instead of only in spring and
2to prevent health hazards and food fraud from selling summer. Moreover, genetic modification has been used to
food, drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices that might happen to produce crops that are better at resisting disease and pests and
Canadians. It contains important aspects such as food delaying the ripening process to allow them to be transported long
labeling requirements, advertising, and a permitted food distances.
additives list. The list of permitted food additives for use as additives
in or on foods marketed in Canada is divided into 15 groups,
including anticaking agents, dough conditioning agents, coloring
agents, stabilizers, food enzymes, firming agents, polishing
agents, sweeteners, pH adjusting agents, preservative,
sequestering agents, starch modifying agent, yeast food,
extraction solvent and permitted food additives with other
accepted uses.
Plant Protection Act The plant protection act
contributes to preventing the import, export, or spread of
3plant pests in Canada. The import regulation and domestic
requirements on the imported and management of potentially
injurious microorganisms and invertebrates are provided in the
CFIA directives, including insects, mites, millipedes, earthworms,
snails, slugs, bacteria, fungi, viruses, phytoplasmas, and
nematodes. These requirements apply no matter the purpose for
wanting to import or handle these organisms, such as for personal Canada is one of the countries mainly focused on importing
uses (as pets, food, feed, or bait), release into the environment goods, both consumer goods and commodity goods, with quite strict
(biological control or farming), scientific research (in government, import regulations for transparency and consumer safety. Therefore,
university or private laboratories), exhibition (in zoos, museums), Thai entrepreneurs who would like to export products to Canada
and education (in schools or universities). Whatever your purpose, should review the requirements and strictly follow the rules to help
authorization from the CFIA may be required before importing or formulate strategies and plan to enter the international markets
undertaking any other activities. in the future.
Health of Animal Act The health of animal act
provides the legislative and regulatory authority for the
4animal health import program, export, and spread of More Information Service Info C013
animal diseases, including live animals, animal products and
by-products, semen, and embryos. The import requirements
are based on the disease status of where a shipment originated. เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
The evaluation of a country, or a region(s) or zone(s) within a สำำ�นัักง�นัม�ตรฐ�นัสำินัค้้�เกษตรและอ�ห�รแห่งช�ติ. 2564. กฎหม�ยด้้�นัก�รค้วบคุ้ม
country is reviewed by the CFIA on a case-by-case basis. Some ค้ว�มปลอด้ภััยอ�ห�รนัำ�เข้้�ข้องประเทศค้่่ค้้�และก�รค้วบคุ้มคุ้ณภั�พสำินัค้้�เกษตรไทย
animals and products must also meet the requirements of the ก่อนัก�รสำ่งออก.
สำถ�บันัสำ่งเสำริมสำินัค้้�เกษตรนัวัตกรรม กรมก�รค้้�ต่�งประเทศ. 2564. วิเค้ร�ะห์ข้้อม่ลตล�ด้
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species สำินัค้้�เกษตรแปรร่ปและนัวัตกรรมข้องแค้นั�ด้� (Canada).
(CITES). สำำ�นัักง�นัสำ่งเสำริมก�รค้้�ในัต่�งประเทศ. 2559. ตล�ด้ผัักและผัลไม้สำด้ในัแค้นั�ด้�.
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