Page 11 - FoodFocusThailand No.220 July 2024
P. 11


                     class, multi-device connection options are also available, which supports   on simple handling – and the fast and easy readability that comes along with
                     the continuous improvement of production facilities. The focus here is on   it. Thanks to the round, 360-degree display, all switching states can be visually
                     compactness, flexibility, safety and optimised hygiene. The new VEGABAR   detected from any direction. The colour of the illuminated ring, which can be
                     and VEGAPOINT instrument series are the answer to the growing demand   freely selected from 256 different colours, remains visible even in daylight. This
                     for simple sensors with optimised variants that support increasingly efficient   allows the operator to choose the colour that is best visible in that particular
                     food production. This requires more standardised products that are as easy   environment, and it is up to the operator to choose the colour that best suits
                     as possible to use but still cover all the basic hygiene requirements. It also   their needs and offers maximum additional safety and distinguishability in
                     calls for better networked products with easy connectivity to existing control   critical situations. It immediately shows the user if measurement is taking
                     systems and mobile devices.                         place, if the sensor is switching, or if there is a possible malfunction in the
                          tandardisation gives birth to efficiency A uniform standard extends
                          through all areas of application. This applies especially to the fully   it for the future with IO-Link - In their maintenance decisions, plant
                     Shygienic adapter system, which is designed to be compatible with   operators rely on status data, which forms the basis for optimal planning
                     the new sensors and capacitive level switches as well as the existing  Fof shutdown times. Almost all system builders now implement intelligent
                     VEGASWING vibrating level switches. Not only can it be flexibly selected   sensors with IO technology for this, as it offers universal advantages when it
                     according to individual needs, but also adapted to local requirements and   comes to data availability. Not only can these be quickly and costeffectively
                     – if necessary – quickly exchanged. All the new instruments are built to   installed using standard three-core cable, but, with IO-Link, sensors can also
                     withstand intense clean in place (CIP) processes. And not least due to their   be replaced without the risk of errors. The system can be put into operation
                     hygienic design and surface finish, they comply with all standards and   faster with the standard protocol, which reduces production downtime. The
                     approvals of the industry.                          option of having all sensor parameters written automatically into the new
                                                                         instrument by the IO-Link master, or the controller during a replacement, also
                         he acid test of CIP cleaning - Time is becoming an increasingly   makes for additional efficiency. Fast format or recipe changes, which are typical
                         important  factor  in  food  production  processes,  and  hygienic   in the food industry, can be carried out quickly and centrally in this way. The
                     Tproduction in particular requires a lot of it. CIP cleaning is one of the   bottom line is that using IO-Link saves time while reducing the potential for
                     most necessary but time-consuming process steps. The potential for savings   errors to zero. This ensures higher product quality, more optimal utilisation of
                     here lies in cleaning and sterilising systems more quickly, through consistent   the machines and increased process speed.
                     hygiene standards and system design. However, this assumes that the
                     cleaning process can be fully relied upon once completed. And this in turn   ireless transmission of measured values Both the VEGABAR and
                     requires components whose geometry does not allow microorganisms to   VEGAPOINT instrument series can be easily read out and configured
                     collect in dead spaces and which are also capable of withstanding the  Wwith a smartphone or tablet. Especially in environments such as
                     cleaning and sterilisation processes themselves. Processes and media that   clean rooms, where physical access involves a lot of effort, it means setup
                     demand a lot from the materials of the measuring instruments are, for   and operation become faster and easier. In combination with the VEGA Tools
                     example, substances with a high fat content as well as aromatics. The   app, which has already won an App Award, the sensor data enquiry over
                     consequential aggressive cleaning agents required also make correspondingly   shorter distances in these areas also becomes convenient.
                     high chemical resistance necessary. The VEGABAR and VEGAPOINT
                     instruments are resistant to both demands. The pressure sensors and level   uture-oriented automation from a single source Hygienic design, system
                     switches can tolerate high temperatures without loss of function, and even   availability, modularisation and networking are the decisive factors for
                     cope with the combination of both high temperature and long exposure  Fgreater efficiency in food processes and for standing out in the face of
                     times.                                              growing competition. With its decades of experience, VEGA offers level and
                                                                         pressure measurement technology for the automation and monitoring of
                          ygienic design down to the last detail - What does “Hygienic by   future-oriented production systems. It has sensors optimised for operating
                          Design” mean? In real terms it can be seen even in the smallest   under extreme conditions and meeting strict requirements on system safety
                     Hcomponents of the new sensor series. All surfaces of VEGABAR 29   and flexibility. Because of the increasing requirement for standard applications
                     and 39 sensors that come into contact with the product are made of stainless   and open control platforms, VEGA has added these compact pressure sensors
                     steel and feature optimal surface roughness values. What is more, VEGABAR   and level switches into its portfolio to help meet this. The new instruments are
                     28 and 38 are available with high-strength ceramic versions and VEGAPOINT   tailored to these standard applications that nevertheless involve high quality.
                     sensors in highresistant PEEK material. All materials are approved and tested
                     according to FDA and EC 1935/2004. The design of the instruments is   he universal adapter system of these compact devices provides the
                     certified according to the European EHEDG Directive and the North American   flexibility needed to keep inputs and costs at a minimum level through
                     3-A Sanitary Standards. Both standards prescribe the use of corrosion- Toptimised spare parts stock-keeping. This provides process fittings that
                     resistant materials only and the components are also designed in accordance   can be selected “off the shelf” and adapted directly to individual requirements.
                     with Good Manufacturing Practices regulations so that all microorganisms   There is also a great deal of sensor intelligence on board – the standard IO-Link
                     are reliably removed by cleaning and cannot multiply on surfaces or in gaps.  protocol ensures especially simple, intelligent communication. The wireless
                                                                         communication provides easy and fast access and setup. This means that
                         isible all around: illuminated 360-degree switching status display -   the instruments have a multi-layer communication platform that enables
                         Sensors are often used in very large spacious areas or in tight spaces.   seamless data transfer and simple integration into control systems. They are
                     VThe effort involved in reading a sensor quickly becomes considerable   prepared for the production processes of the future – and are already making
                     when a hygiene barrier has to be overcome. However, it is crucial to be able   their contribution to the implementation of Industry 4.0.
                     to see sensor readings quickly and easily, so that operators can react as
                     quickly as possible, especially in the event of a fault. To ensure that the
                     status of a process can be recognised at a glance from as far away as
                     possible and from any direction, the development of the new sensors focused

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