Page 44 - FoodFocusThailand No.198 September 2022
P. 44
Create Ready-to-eat Foods and Drinks to Satisfy deteriorated fruit that is not worth selling in the form of fresh fruit
3 Health-conscious Consumers Many countries, including can be processed into a variety of new products, such as banana
Thailand, are dealing with epidemic situations and emerging diseases powders, energy gels, and low-fat desserts.
that are unlikely to end soon. As a result, ready-to-eat food and
beverages must be adapted to help maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many Utilize Modern Processing Technology Currently, thermal and
have been developed to provide the optimum amount of energy for 5 non-thermal food technology can be employed to improve
a single meal, to be easy to consume, and to reduce the difficult product quality and reduce the use of certain food additives. For
preparation process. Examples include healthy ready meals that can example, meat emulsion products, such as sausages and Vietnamese
be reheated in the microwave and brown rice milk, which is high in sausages, are undeniably high in salt because salt naturally extracts
protein, antioxidants, dietary fibers, vitamins, and iron. protein from meat and gives the products a good firm, bouncy
texture. In addition, adding phosphate
also increases the water-holding capacity
of the meat structure. However, the
consumption of salt and phosphate can
affect long-term health and increase the risk
of osteoporosis, hypertension, or kidney
disease. Using technology, on the contrary,
not only inhibits microorganisms to ensure
the safety of the products but also improves
the elasticity and gel properties of emulsion
products, especially those using
high-pressure processing. This improves
texture, while lowering the amount of
phosphate and salt in recipes and
maintaining an appropriate level of
On June 22, 2022, Thammasat
University established “Food Innopolis”, our
second food innovation company, to
connect entrepreneurs interested in the
food industry with researchers, offering
them access to the resources or facilities in
the university and increasing the flexibility
of operations. The main mission is divided
into four dimensions: 1) arranging for the
use of machinery, equipment, and food
processing facilities; 2) providing food
innovation research and development
Be Creative about Food Waste Food waste innovation can services; 3) providing sensory analysis services by experts and
4 result in an alternative product that is part of a circular economy. professional connoisseurs; and 4) assisting with food product
The Sustainable Development Goals were set up by the United manufacturing and distribution. Moreover, we are ready to advise
Nations, stating that countries across the globe will work together to individuals who are interested in designing and creating innovative
cut food waste in half by 2030. Food waste during processing refers foods together.
to food that cannot be consumed or that looks unattractive on the
outside but can still be processed into new products. For example,
the lobster shell contains astaxanthin, a highly effective antioxidant,
and is rich in calcium, which is beneficial to the body. Therefore,
instead of being dumped, it can be converted into flavor powder,
which adds a distinct aroma to certain dishes, or it can be used as a More Information Service Info C004
food coloring agent. Food waste management also includes the
utilization of immature or underdeveloped fruits and vegetables that
are typically rejected in order to increase the value of unwanted raw
materials. For example, to reduce food waste, small-sized, unripe,
Hom Thong bananas that do not meet export quality standards or
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