Page 77 - FoodFocusThailand No.198 September 2022
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Chaithongkrua et al., in 2020, on elderly aged above 60 years old in and MCT oil offering 15 g protein and high energy of 200 kcal per serving
Chonburi determined that almost half of the rural elderly had can assist in preserving lean body mass and muscle strength. A higher
sarcopenia. The high prevalence determined in different studies protein powder supplement offering 25 g protein and 150 kcal per serving
indicates the need to monitor for sarcopenia prevalence among the can be used for the sarcopenic elderly who experience low muscle mass,
underweight elderly and to encourage adequate protein intake and strength, and function. The highly digestible whey protein and
muscle-strengthening activities. encapsulated MCT oil can be obtained for more information from the
The most practical means of promoting skeletal muscle protein global leader in the distribution and formulation of speciality chemicals
anabolism is to include a moderate serving of protein of high biological and ingredients in Thailand , which represents the world’s largest supplier
value during each meal. When compared to the young, the elderly of high-quality dairy products for using as an ingredient in high-protein
requires a higher dose of essential amino acids for stimulation of food and beverage product.
muscle protein synthesis. The World Health Organisation (WHO) sets
the Safe Level of Protein intake at 0.83 g per kg body weight per day
for healthy subjects. However, the recommended protein intake for
older people with chronic illness is 1.2-1.5 g protein/kg body weight More Information Service Info C012
per day .
Other than the quantity of protein to achieve, the quality of protein เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
HelpAge International; 2019; “Ageing Population in Thailand”;
is also fundamental in assessing adequate protein intake. Dairy 1 <>
proteins such as whey provide an outstanding protein quality score 2 Diz et al.; 2015; Prevalence of sarcopenia among the elderly: findings from broad
(PDCAAS = 1; DIAAS>1), reflecting a complete and balanced amino cross-sectional studies in a range of countries; Rev. Bras. Geriatr. Gerontol.,
Rio de Janeiro 18(3):665-678
acid as the building blocks for the intestinal tract, immune system, 3 Khongsri et al; 2016; The prevalence of sarcopenia and related factors in a
and vital organs of the frail elderly. Furthermore, an adequate amount community-dwelling elders Thai population; Osteoporosis and sarcopenia 2;
of high-quality protein that provides readily available essential amino 4 Chaithongkrua et al; 2021; The Prevalence and Related Factors of Sarcopenia
acids (>10 g), including leucine (>2.5 g), can stimulate muscle protein among the Elderly in Sattahip District, Chonburi Province; Journal of the Department
synthesis in the sarcopenic elderly . of Medical services; 46(2)
Deutz et al.; 2014; Clin Nutr.;33(6) :929-36
Nutritional powder beverages containing fast digestible whey 6 Katsanos et al.; 2006; Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 291: E381–E387
protein are an ideal form to increase protein intake among the elderly 7 IMCD บริิษััท ชั้ั�นนำ�ในก�ริจััดจัำ�หน่�ยผลิิตภััณฑ์์ส�ริเคมีีแลิะส่วนผสมีเฉพ�ะของอ�ห�ริ
population. This can be complemented with MCT oil, which is easily IMCD, a global leader in the distribution and formulation of speciality chemicals
digestible, absorbed, and metabolized for fast energy supplementation. and ingredients
Friesland Campina บริิษััทผ้�จััดจัำ�หน่�ยผลิิตภััณฑ์์นมีคุณภั�พส้งที�ใหญ่่ที�สุดในโลิก
For frail elderly experiencing malnourishment and suffering from 8 Friesland Campina, the world’s largest supplier of high-quality dairy products
involuntary weight loss, a nutritional beverage containing whey protein
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