Page 77 - FoodFocusThailand No.199 October 2022
P. 77


                                                                            of saturated fat has changed to increase the risk of
                                                                            cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, unsaturated
                                                                            fat, which mainly comes from a plant, is a good choice for
                                                                            product development under the low saturated fat concept.
                                                                               •  Olive Oil
                                                                               Olive oil gives a European-style aroma. It contains the
                                                                            most unsaturated fatty acids of any vegetable oil and can
                                                                            reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease.
                                                                            It is also high in antioxidants and can lower cholesterol .
                                                                               •  Sesame Oil
                                                                               Sesame oil gives an Asian-style aroma and can prevent
                                                                            the chance of chronic diseases by lowering fat in blood
                                                                            vessels.  It  also  helps  the  functioning  of  the  nervous
                                                                            system .
                                                                               •  Rice Bran Oil
                                                                               Rice bran oil has a mild aroma which does not mask
                                                                            the aroma of raw materials in dishes. Moreover, it can lower
                                                                            cholesterol and hypertension and decrease early
                                                                            atherosclerosis .
                        The global market size of reduced salt products was USD   To create products without food additives or to use
                     315.6 billion in 2021 and is forecasted to grow at a compound   healthy and natural ingredients as much as possible, it is
                     annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1% from 2022 to 2030 . Low   necessary to research scientific techniques which will
                     fat and low cholesterol diet market are expected to rise   improve raw materials quality, production methods, or
                     gradually between 2021 and 2031 . Product development   product conditions that have traditionally preserved the
                     based on the trend will increase product value and consumer   taste and uniqueness of products while providing health
                     attractiveness.                                        products to consumers.
                        For product development using natural ingredients, there
                     are restrictions on product shelf-life. Maintaining product
                     quality without preservatives requires suitable product
                     conditions since it becomes more susceptible to microbial
                     growth. Different aspects of the product must be assessed    More Information        Service Info C008
                     and regulated within parameters that maintain product safety.
                     This includes water activity (a ), acidity, alcohol content, and
                     other factors affecting the product.
                        One ingredient that can be used as a preservative is salt.
                     Besides food seasoning, salt acts as a water activity (a )   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     controller to limit the growth of microorganisms. However, Thai   1   Grand View Research, Inc. (2022). Reduced Salt Food Products
                     people consume salt at about 3.6 grams (as sodium) per day ,     Market Size, Share & Trends Analysis Report By Product Type
                     which is more than the WHO recommended daily intake (2.0     (Meat, Poultry, & Seafood, Snacks), By Distribution Channel
                     grams  per  day). Therefore, salt  consumption  should be     (Offline, Online), By Region (APAC, North America), And Segment
                                                                            Forecasts, 2022 – 2030. Available at https://www.grandviewresearch.
                     reduced appropriately.                                 com/industry-analysis/reduced-salt-food-products-market-report#:~:
                        Shoyu, or Japanese soy sauce, was originally used as a     text=Report%20Overview,period%20from%202022%20to%202030.
                     seasoning to provide the authentic taste and aroma of   2   Future Market Insights, Inc. (2022). Low-fat and Low Cholesterol Diet
                     Japanese cuisine. Traditional soy sauce is produced by     Market Overview.  Available at
                     enzyme activities produced by Koji mold and other beneficial     reports/low-fat-and-low-cholesterol-diet-market.
                                                                             WHO. (2022). Thailand generates evidence for sodium reduction.
                     microorganisms such as yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Under     Available at
                     controlled conditions, brine is also a key ingredient for limiting     results-report-2020-mtr/country-story/2020/thailand-generates-
                     the growth of undesired microorganisms during the      evidence-for-sodium-reduction.
                     fermentation period. With modern science and technology,   4   Nadia C., et al., Chapter 13 - Olive Oil, The Mediterranean Diet,
                     the production process can be improved, and less salt is     Academic Press, 2015, Pages 135-142.
                                                                             Sapna L., et al., Food and nutraceutical functions of sesame oil:
                     required while the deliciousness and aroma of Japanese soy     An underutilized crop for nutritional and health benefits, Food
                     sauce are still maintained.                            Chemistry, 2022.
                        Food’s flavor and texture come from fat which has two   6   Ghazani S.M., Marangoni A.G., Healthy Fats and Oils, Reference
                     main kinds: Saturated fat and Unsaturated fat. Saturated fat     Module in Food Science, 2016.
                     is mainly found in meat and dairy products. High consumption

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