Page 94 - FoodFocusThailand No.199 October 2022
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            aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, mycobacteria, yeast, and mold.   halal foods, etc. For FT-IR spectroscopy in biological science,
            For food microbiological research, MALDI-TOF MS has been   the mid-IR spectrum (between 4,000 and 400 cm , or from
            used for the identification of foodborne pathogens and food   2.5 to 25 mm.) was the most useful frequency. It has been
            spoilage microorganisms, including filamentous fungi, yeast,   applied in diverse microbiological contexts and for different
            and bacteria in various food products; for example, beverages,   purposes. One of the most explored applications is for
            honey, dairy products, processed-meat products, and seafood.   discrimination, classification, and identification of bacteria at
            Furthermore, it can be used to identify and type microorganisms   different  taxonomic  levels,  including  genera,  species,
            isolated from the production environment, which is a crucial   serotype/serogroup,  and  strain  levels,  to  investigate
            part of preventive control measures entitled environmental   microbiological source tracking. Furthermore, FT-IR
            monitoring.                                           spectroscopy can identify the changes in the molecular
                                                                  composition of microbial cells. It can monitor biomarkers of
            FT-IR                                                 bacteria cells and biomass composition to quantify bacteria.
               General information Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR)   This information can describe the response of bacterial cells
            spectroscopy is a biophysical technique to analyze the functional   against stress exposure, such as heat, acids, or antimicrobial
            groups  of  molecules,  providing  information  on  molecular   compounds, and predict microbial growth/destruction. Thus,
            structures and performing a unique and specific spectrum. This   the application of FTIR spectroscopy in food microbiology is
            information can provide in both qualitative and quantitative   growing and has the potential to be used further in food
            analyses. FT-IR spectroscopy is frequently used for organic   microbiological research and the food industry.
            samples, either in solid or liquid forms. It is a rapid, simple,
            non-destructive,  chemical-free,  cost-efficient,  and  high-
            performance technique. Therefore, it is widely applied in different
            advanced research areas, for example, material sciences,       More Information       Service Info C011
            biochemistry, medical science, and biological science. Lately,
            its performance has been further enhanced by connecting mass
            spectroscopy to the microscope, called FT-IT imaging, to   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
            analyze the small sample and create a chemical mapping.   กรมวิิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์ กระทรวิงสาธารณสุข. 2559. กรมวิิทย์ฯ ใช้้
            Furthermore, the use of synchrotron-source FT-IT          เทคนิิคใหม่ตรวิจจำาแนิกเช้้�อแบคทีเรีย/เช้้�อรา ร้้ผลเร็วิ ถู้กต้อง แม่นิยำา.
            microspectroscopy offers an effective method to characterize     ข่าวิกรมวิิทยาศาสตร์การแพทย์, 25 พฤษภาคม 2559.
            the chemical composition across surfaces with high resolution,   วิิยดา กวิานิเหียนิ. 2556. เคร้�องจำาแนิกแบคทีเรียอัตโนิมัติในิระบบแมสสเปก
                                                                      โทรเมตรีช้นิิด MALDI-TOF. วิารสารเทคนิิคการแพทย์และกายภาพบำาบัด.
            consequently accuracy and reliable information.           25 (2): 126-131.
               Principle and function IR spectroscopy relies on the   ศิรินิิตย์ ธารธาดา และ ปฐมาพร อำานิาจอนิันิต์. 2561. เทคโนิโลยี Fourier
            absorption of specific wavelengths within the IR spectra upon     Transform Infrared Spectroscopy: ทฤษฎีีและการประยุกต์ใช้้. วิารสาร
            interacting with certain molecular bonding. IR radiation is     วิิทยาศาสตร์สุขภาพสัตวิ์และเทคโนิโลยี. 2 (1): 29-33
            absorbed by certain molecules and converted into energy of   Akimowicz, M. and J. Bucka-Kolendo. 2020. MALDI-TOF MS – ap
            molecular vibration. These modes of vibration are different,     plication in food microbiology. Acta Biochimica Polonica. 67 (3):
            including stretching (symmetry and asymmetry) and bending     327-332.
            (scissoring, rocking, wagging, and twisting), and depend on the   Höll, L., J. Behr and R.F. Vogel. 2016. Identification and growth dy
            chemical bonds and functional groups, for example, double     namics of meat spoilage microorganisms in modified atmosphere
            bond, triple bond, carbonyl group, hydroxyl group or amino     packaged poultry meat by MALDI-TOF MS. Food Microbiol, 60,
            group, comprising in the molecules. These informational signals     84-91.
            are measured and transferred to the computer to create a   Moran-Gilad J. and Y. Yagel.  2021. Application and Integration of
                                                                      Omics-powered Diagnostics in Clinical and Public Health Micro
            Fourier transformation of the signal.  Then the Fourier     biology.
            transformation of the signal is calculated by a mathematical   Naksang, P., S. Tongchitpakdee, K. Thumanu, M.J. Oruna-Concha,
            procedure and interpreted as the spectrum specific to molecular     K. Niranjan and C. Rachtanapun. 2020. Assessment of antimicro
            composition. The IR region are between 13,000 and 10 cm −1     bial activity, mode of action and volatile compounds of Etlingera
            (wavelengths from 0.78 to 1,000 mm.), dividing into three ranges     pavieana essential oil. Molecules. 25 (14): 3245.
            such as near-IR (4,000 – 12,800 cm ), mid-IR  (200 - 4,000   Sangnark, K. and C. Rachtanapun. 2018. Identification of spoilage
            cm ) and far- IR (10 – 200 cm ).                          microorganisms in ready-to-eat sausage by MALDI-TOF MS in
               Application of FT-IR in food industry and food         Proceedings of the 20th Food Innovation Asia Conference (FIAC
            microbiology Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy     2018) Creative Food for Future and Sustainability, p 366-371, BITEC,
            is widely applied for routine quality control, safety assessment,     Bangkok Thailand. 14-16 June 2018.
            and authentication in food industries, for example, detecting   Tantala, J., K. Thumanu and C. Rachtanapun. 2019. An assessment
            moisture content in soybean, chemical composition analysis of     of antibacterial mode of action of chitosan on Listeria innocua cells
                                                                      using real-time HATR-FTIR spectroscopy. International Journal of
            raw milk, detection of food adulteration in fish sauce, honey,     Biological Macromolecules. 135: 386-393.

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