Page 47 - FoodFocusThailand No.202 January 2023
P. 47


                     Sugar is a broad term applied to many carbohydrates present in many plants and characterized by a more
                     or less sweet taste. Sugar is a product of photosynthesis in all green plants. The sugars occur as a mixture
                     that cannot readily be separated. In the sap of some plants, the sugar mixtures are condensed into syrup.
                     Juices of sugar cane and sugar beet are rich in pure sucrose. These two sugar crops are the main sources
                     of commercial sucrose.

                     Sugar Production Process                            The Sensor Performance at Critical Points in Sugar
                     After harvesting the sugar-source plant, the plant would be   Processing
                     washed. Sugar cane would be crushed and extract the juice.   1. In the beet juice extraction, some chemical are added for
                     The initial juice is dark green color and is acidic and turbid.   agitate the non-sugar material in the juice, which is important to
                     For a sugar beet must be sliced into small strips called   know the exact volume of the juice because the erroneous
                     cossettes. The cossettes are soaked in hot water tanks as   volume measurement would affect the final product content and
                     the sugar is extracted. The juice is collected in large vats.  waste some sugar away. However, the beet juice has dark, turbid,
                        The juice is introduced at the top of the tower and sulfur   and foamy on top of the juice, which are harder to measure. The
                     dioxide vapor is at the bottom called sulfitation. Carbonation   solution of this problem is using the efficient level measurement
                     by added calcium carbonate is used to further separate the   sensor  which can measure the level of beet juice and even has
                     soluble non-sugar materials from the juice to aid in   other advantages such as being safe to use with food products,
                     precipitation. The juice is heated to denature the protein   easy installation, and accurate measurement.
                     content and is then mixed with milk of lime. The CO bubbles   2. The process in a vacuum pan to ensure the growth of
                     can also be introduced in this step to lower the alkalinity and   sugar crystals. The syrup is cooked in a closed boiler with steam-
                     precipitate the sludge, which is filtered to purify the juice.   heated tubes, and the liquid is extracted. The intermediate
                     The sludge is removed from the bottom of the tank, and the   product is magma, a mixture of crystal sugar and syrup. This
                     juice is removed from the top. Secondary filtration is used   mixture is then poured into a holding tank, the crystallizer. In the
                     to extract any remaining sugar from the sludge. The clarified   holding tank, the cooling and drying process creates a substance
                     juice is then boiled in a series of vacuum evaporators until   called massecuite and causes sugar crystallization. The level in
                     it reaches a concentration of 50–65% sugar. Each subsequent   the tank must remain constant, so a reliable level measurement
                     evaporator in the series has a higher vacuum pressure,   is required here. The installation of the durable level and pressure
                     resulting in the sugar syrup boiling at lower temperatures   measurement sensor  is a good choice because it can measure
                     through the process, producing a thick and colorless syrup.   a substance level and pressure in the tank. In this state, a small
                        Crystallization takes place in a single-stage vacuum pan.   particle of sugar which required abrasive-resistant equipment
                     The syrup is evaporated until saturated with sugar. As soon   as well.
                     as the saturation point has been exceeded, small grains of
                     sugar are added to the pan. These small grains, serve as
                     nuclei for the formation of sugar crystals. The additional syrup
                     is added to the strike and evaporated so that the original    More Information        Service Info C008
                     crystals that were formed are allowed to grow, Until the pan
                     is full. When sucrose concentration reaches the desired level,   ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional Information
                     the dense mixture of syrup and sugar crystals, called   1   VEGAPULS 6X จาก VEGA เซนเซอร์์คลื่่�นเร์ดาห์์วััดร์ะดับที่่�ด่ที่่�สุุด สุามาร์ถวััด
                     massecuite, is discharged into crystallizers for the     ร์ะดับได้อย่่างม่ปร์ะสุิที่ธิิภาพ พร์้อมเที่คโนโลื่ย่่ที่่�ตร์วัจสุอบร์ะดับผ่่านชั้ั�นฟอง
                     centrifugation process.                               ห์ร์่อโฟมได้ ได้ร์ับมาตร์ฐานควัามปลื่อดภัย่แลื่ะใชั้้กับอาห์าร์ได้ ติดตั�งได้ง่าย่
                        For centrifugation, the massecuite is added to a high-    VEGAPULS 6X from VEGA, The best level measurement radar sensor
                     speed centrifuge contains a perforated metal cylindrical     which can effectively measure the level of sample with a technology that
                     basket. During the process, the molasses passes out of the     can inspect through foam or bubble, also with the hygienic standard for
                     lined centrifuge basket and is drawn to the outside of the     food product and easy installation.
                     centrifuge where it is removed and sent to storage tanks.
                     The sugar is retained in the lined centrifuge basket. The     sugar-dissolver-vessel
                     damp sugar crystals are dried in hot air dryers. reaching a   2   VEGABAR 82 จาก VEGA เซนเซอร์์วััดร์ะดับแลื่ะควัามดัน ด้วัย่ห์ัวัวััดที่่�ที่นที่าน
                     moisture content less than 0.02%                      ต่อการ์ขี่ดขี่วัน สุามาร์ถที่ำางานได้แม้ในสุภาวัะสุุญญากาศ ด้วัย่การ์วััดที่่�แม่นย่ำา
                                                                           เชั้่�อถ่อได้ แม้จะพบกับตัวัอย่่างที่่�ม่ควัามห์น่ด ม่ไอนำ�าแลื่ะขีั�นตอนควับแน่น
                                                                           VEGABAR 82 from VEGA, The reliable level and pressure measurement
                                                                           sensor, At the measuring cell are abrasive resistance, able to work
                                                                           under vacuum conditions with accurate result which is independent
                                                                           from viscosity, steam and condensate.

                                                                         เอกสารอ้างอ่ง / References
                                                                                                  JAN  2023 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  47

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