Page 89 - FoodFocusThailand No.206 MAY 2023
P. 89
‘Sells What’ refers to the notion Although this article clearly focuses on the creation of product identity
that, whatever the product is, its through the question of ‘Who, Sells What, to Whom’, the packaging presentation
pictures or photos can be beautified methods based on these three principles must be flexibly adjusted and
and displayed on the packaging to adopted with varying priorities. This is to ensure that all three concepts are
invoke a savory impression and add showcased on the label or packaging structure in the most ideal manner, which
more value to the product. Since other must also be in line with the strategies mutually approved by both marketers
manufacturers can also use this and manufacturers based on data analysis. Once the packaging is fully developed,
technique, the selling points should the product that originally used to be commonly replaceable or indistinguishable
address something that transcends from other products will then turn into a one-of-a-kind product with a unique
the fundamental five senses, such as identity that helps add value to it.
emotions and feelings. For instance,
Thong Muan, or Thai crispy rolls, can
represent Thainess, delicacy, the
connotation of ‘gold’ from the word More Information Service Info C015
‘Thong’, or unique ingredients such
as palmyra palm sugar from Songkhla
province. Additionally, pictures can
also be included on the packaging to
encourage consumers to purchase
the product. Another example is flower
tea, whose symbolic gentleness and
simplicity can be showcased via
packaging that highlights the flowers
used to produce the tea. Such
methods will induce emotional
pleasure, create distinguished
characteristics, and help the brand
stand out from other sellers rather
than solely rely on the presentation of
the product.
‘To Whom’ refers to a target group
the manufacturer wants to sell its
product to. Although many products
can be consumed by multiple types
of consumers, ranging from children
to the elderly, clearly determining the
leading target group will make it easier
to come up with suitable marketing
strategies and shorten the process of
matching the product with a specific
group of consumers. Target groups
can be categorized by gender, age,
lifestyle, social behavior, or
environmental consciousness. For
example, younger consumers such
as students may overlook Thai
desserts, which are known for their
tradition, delicacy, and demanding
nature for appropriateness of time and
place of consumption. However, if
these desserts are presented via more
t arget -orient ed packaging,
consumption method, and design,
they will bring an excellent opportunity
to add further value and boost sales
in younger target groups. The
presentation of the target group’s
identity on the packaging will allow
target consumers to identify
themselves with the product and
adopt a sense of in-group, which will
indirectly lead to brand loyalty.
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