Page 25 - FoodFocusThailand No.209 AUGUST 2023
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                        • Goal No. 2: Improving the quality of life and reducing   recalls, removals, disasters, or food-borne disease pandemics,
                     food poverty; and                                  these events must be communicated to the auditor within 3 days,
                        • Goal No. 12: Stable management of production and   as they will affect food safety management standards, its
                     waste management.                                  legitimacy and the validity of the certification.
                        Adding Requirement No. 2.5.16, with regards to food   The update to FSSC 22000 Version 6.0 is a guideline that
                     waste and waste management by applying quality     enhances reliability and up-to-date food safety management
                     management standards and safety in the food industry to   standards and hygiene in food production facilities, including
                     help promote the production of high quality and safe food,   building acceptance and credibility for certified organizations.
                     as well as reduce environmental impacts, will ensure that   The most interesting aspect of this FSSC 22000 Version 6.0
                     it is consistent with the goals of the United Nations which   specification  is  that  it  is  linked  to  the  goals  of  the  United
                     has to be achieved by the year 2030.               Nations,  which  can  ensure  a  more  sustainable  security
                        Issue No. 3 Changing the certification’s scope and   management  measure  and  be  consistent  with  current
                     category such as,                                  world trends.
                        • Curtailing the scope of Category A1, with regards to
                     livestock farming as it overlaps with Global GAP
                     Accreditation activities.
                        • Expanded the scope of Category B3, with regards
                     to basic plant product management, by not certifying         More Information        Service Info C001
                     planting as it overlaps with the Global GAP accreditation
                        • Additionally, it has also been clearly stated that the
                     additional requirements in each item can be applied to   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     any category, to facilitate its usage and reduce any /ข้้อกำำ�หนดระบบบริห�รคว�มปลอดภััย
                     confusion in applying it for practical use.          ข้องอ�ห�ร-iso-22000-fssc
                        Issue No. 4 Specifying additional details for each
                     specification. Terms of the FSSC in previous editions do     NARIsAPMwjbzQrw9-DnvCsYCSA28fpkbQJefLRsobrak0D5YKd9MNK
                     not delve into specific details that will enable applicants     0TrrLJyuo0aAtmwEALw_wcB
                     to be able to apply to all businesses for a variety of
                     organizations appropriately. FSSC 22000 Version 6.0
                     contains  more  detailed  adjustments  to  specific
                     requirements, such as
                        • Increased measures in case of claims being stated
                     on labels or packages.
                        •  Added more specific allergen management methods.
                        • Added details on risk assessment methods
                     concerning food protection measures that must cover both
                     the processes and the products themselves.
                        • Add control steps, as well as the formatting and
                     printing processes for Category I.
                        Issue No. 5 If a facility has products that are not
                     within the scope of certification, the FSSC 22000 logo
                     cannot be used. In the previous issue, operators could
                     waive certification in certain areas or for certain products,
                     resulting in auditors not having to inspect specific areas
                     or products and the ability to display the FSSC 22000
                     logo. However, FSSC 22000 Version 6.0 states that if
                     exemptions exist for particular areas or products, the
                     FSSC 22000 logo cannot be further displayed in various
                     locations, websites, or documents.
                        Issue No. 6 Add details to Requirement No. 2.5.8
                     regarding Food Safety and Quality Culture. Building a
                     food safety culture is a GFSI specification that was first
                     established in FSSC 22000 Version 5 and is considered
                     very important, as it helps operators and employees in
                     the food industry understand the importance of food safety.
                     FSSC 22000 Version 6.0 will include more details on food
                     safety culture that can start with providing training for all
                     employees and must consist of details of plans, goals,
                     communication periods, and assessments of the
                     effectiveness of the defined activities.
                        Issue No. 7 Add Requirement No. 2.5.17, with
                     regard  to  communication  with  the  certification
                     body.Should  an  event  is  encountered  that  poses  a
                     threat to food safety and affects the public, such as

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