Page 53 - FoodFocusThailand No.212 NOVEMBER 2023
P. 53


                        MALDI-TOF technology consists of two main         - Cost-effective: MALDI-TOF is a microbial identification
                     processes. The first process is Matrix-Assisted Laser   technology with a low cost per sample. The average cost of its
                     Desorption/Ionization  (MALDI),  which  involves   analysis is lower than DNA sequencing, although less technically
                     mixing the sample with a specific matrix to produce   challenging.
                     crystals. After the crystals are activated with laser light   - Convenient and Simple:  MALDI-TOF  method  does
                     of a specific wavelength, the sample in the matrix is   not require complicated sample preparation step. Colonies of
                     ionized. In the second process, ions are accelerated   interest can be selected directly from petri dishes for analysis,
                     by an electric field and transferred into a vacuum tube.   allowing  for  faster  identification  and  classification  of
                     Ions are transported and separated at different speeds   microorganisms.
                     in this process and before colliding with the detector   Microbial identification is an important testing method for
                     in order to determine the mass of a given ion. This   classifying and identifying genus or species of microorganisms,
                     process is known as Time of Flight (ToF) as it involves   and the data obtained can be used to analyze the source of
                     separating substances in a vacuum tube at a speed   contamination.  Conventional  bacterial  identification  relies
                     proportional to the mass of the ions.             on the physical characteristics and biochemical tests of the
                        MALDI-TOF is a microbial identification technology   microorganisms.  These  standard  methods  take  24  to  48
                     used to detect peptide chains made up of amino acid   hours  following  the  culture,  while  the  MALDI-TOF  method
                     sequences. Given that the mass of the peptide chains   takes  only  6  to  15  minutes  and  yields  results  that  are
                     in different proteins varies, a mass spectrum obtained   equally accurate to those of es standard methods to test and
                     from the MALDI-TOF test can differentiate the mass   provide accurate results as accurate as standard methods. This
                     of  identified  proteins,  focusing  on  microorganism   MALDI-TOF test is affordable and reasonable and can be used
                     ribosomal  proteins,  which  are  conserved  within   in various applications.
                     bacterial  species. This  leads  to  faster  and  more
                     accurate microbial identification. Therefore, it can be
                     applied  for  various  purposes,  such  as  medical
                     diagnosis of pathogens, identification of bacteria in the   More Information        Service Info C007
                     production of biopharmaceuticals, and determination
                     of normal flora in the environment.
                        The MALDI-TOF technique is quite convenient and
                     simple. The sample can be prepared by growing
                     bacteria or other microorganisms directly on the culture
                     medium. In order to maximize accuracy, samples can
                     also be prepared by extracting bacterial proteins. The
                     bacteria can be collected, mixed in a matrix, and placed
                     onto a metal plate if they contain impurities or are
                     enclosed in a thick capsule. The metal plate is then
                     placed in the MALDI-TOF instrument for analysis. The
                     mass  spectrum  of  the  sample  is  produced  for
                     comparison with the reference bacterial mass spectra
                     in the database after the sample is laser-ionized and
                     the ions produced are transported using an electric
                     field in the Time-of-Flight process. There are basically
                     no undiscovered microbes at the moment because of
                     how big and comprehensive the database is. This
                     technique can identify microorganisms at the species

                     Advantages of  MALDI-TOF  in microbial
                        - Fast and Efficient: MALDI-TOF is suitable for
                     applications in busy laboratories that need to swiftly
                     identify microbes as it can analyze samples in only a
                     few minutes. This is because MALDI-TOF technology
                     can accurately classify the mass of ribosomal protein,
                     and  the  results  can  be  compared  to  those  from
                     international databases. This is due to the fact that
                     MALDI-TOF technology can accurately classify the
                     mass of ribosomal protein and compare the results
                     with  international  databases. As  a  result,  it  can
                     accurately identify the species of microorganism.

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