Page 47 - FoodFocusThailand No.213 DECEMBER 2023
P. 47


                  beverage manufacturing plants. To improve cleaning efficiency, it   We can be innovative with the “1  4” while validating the right
                  is important to understand the types of soil, the properties of  blend to improve the efficiency of the C&S program. However,
                  materials it is onto, etc. It is not about sophisticated instruments  we need to assure that it will deliver a consistently good C&S
                  or chemistry. In short, making the right choice is the fundamental  result.
                  approach toward an effective and right program.           2  4 – is the 4 basic factors that affect the C&S. This is
                                                                         commonly called as the Sinner Circle, which comprises of below:
                  Simple and Easy 2-Stage Cleaning Process                  a. Temperature
                     STAGE 1 In Making the Right Choice, this stage is an approach   •  In general, the quality of cleaning results increases with a
                  that we are all responsible.                           higher temperature. Trends for saving energy and worker safety
                     Soil – need to know the type of unwanted matter (residual   led to efforts to lower the temperature for cleaning.
                  product, dust) to remove.                                 •  Lower cleaning temperatures are also recommended for
                     Water – its quality is vital in cleaning and sanitation, whether   some product residues such as starch and other carbohydrates.
                  it is soft or hard water, contaminated or treated water, and the like.   New state-of-the-art formulations of cleaning agents even allow
                  95-99% of cleaning solution is water. It will eventually affect the   for cleaning within a lower temperature range or at ambient.
                  quality and efficacy of the cleaning.                     b. Time
                     Surface – material compatibility between the surface to clean   •  The need for increased production capacities is pushing
                  and the chemical to clean is a pre-requisite. Corrosion is the last   the industry to optimize cleaning cycles.
                  result we want.                                           c. Chemistry
                     Methods – the method of cleaning to apply like CIP, COP,   •  Specifically developed chemistry is recommended to
                  manual brushing, etc.                                  remove residues. Different soiling requires different detergency
                     Environmental – local government, plant regulations and   and other cleaning active ingredients.
                  wastewater treatment plant need to be known and considered.  d. Mechanical Action
                     Completion of stage 1 will help us derive the efficient and right   •  Mechanical action is often defined by the equipment
                  C&S and ways how to do things right with the next stage.  instrumentation. A wide variety of operations can be found in the
                     STAGE 2 The 4 x 4 approach is the 2  stage and the next   industry, from dedicated CIP systems designed for a defined
                  stage after evaluating the right chemistry. This comprises of two   product to simple vessels without any cleaning equipment which
                  sets of four important elements in cleaning and sanitation as below:  are cleaned by soaking them in their entirety.
                     1 4 – is the basic steps, which include the critical control
                  parameter (CCP) in the cleaning program as below:
                     a. Dry pick-up & pre-rinse
                     b. Clean with detergent
                     c. Rinse & Inspection                                        More Information        Service Info C007
                     d. Sanitizing

                                                                                                  DEC  2023 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  47

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