Page 43 - FoodFocusThailand No.213 DECEMBER 2023
P. 43


                        Freeze-drying assisted with microwave heating has   drying time and energy usage by 91% and 90%, respectively.
                     intrinsic  advantages  over  traditional  freeze-drying.   The products displayed considerably decreased chewiness
                     Products using microwave-freeze drying exhibit higher   and hardness, whereas proline and glutamic acid were both
                     volatile retention levels than conventional freeze-dried   better conserved  using infrared-assisted freeze-drying by
                     products. However, there are still a lot of practical issues   3.84–5.54 g/100 g and 6.30–7.29 g/100 g, respectively.
                     that need to be overcome. Vacuum pressure and        Furthermore, hybrid freeze-drying can also be used for other
                     microwave power in hybrid microwave freeze-drying   purposes, for example, the applicability and feasibility of
                     systems are critical factors in determining product quality.   microwave-assisted freeze-drying for various monoclonal
                     High microwave power causes freeze-drying to fail if the   antibody formulations, as well as its impact on the attributes of
                     sample temperature exceeds the triple point on a phase   the final product. It was confirmed that microwave-assisted
                     diagram (solid, liquid, and gas). On the other hand, drying   freeze-drying remarkably reduces drying times while retaining
                     at insufficient microwave power may also result in more   product quality, which is also a prerequisite for continuous
                     significant losses of substances due to the extended   processing.
                     drying period.  Therefore, regulating the process      These hybrid freeze-drying techniques may not be widely
                     parameters in microwave freeze-drying is highly required   known and are not yet used in large-scale industry. Therefore, it
                     to produce superior nutritive and sensory quality food   is an essential opportunity for entrepreneurs to begin learning
                     products.                                         the possibilities of these technologies and how they can be
                        2. Infrared-assisted Freeze-drying             applied in the production process to achieve maximum benefits.
                        Infrared freeze-drying is one of the most promising   If  the  entrepreneur  has  implemented these  processes
                     drying methods among the combined freeze-drying-  appropriately and is worthy of investing, it will help increase
                     based approaches, which yields better product quality   product value and create a competitive advantage.
                     while providing a faster drying process. Infrared freeze-
                     drying is an innovative drying process that uses infrared
                     rather than electric heating plates to generate energy for
                     ice sublimation, which increases heat transfer rates.
                     Uniform heating and high energy transfer efficiency are     More Information        Service Info C006
                     two advantages of infrared heating, mainly because
                     infrared radiation enters a product to a specific depth
                     and raises its temperature without heating the air around
                     it, as a medium is not necessary for the infrared-based
                     heating process.
                        Although  it  has  been  indicated  that  IR-assisted
                     freeze-drying yields products with nutritional and sensory
                     qualities  comparable  to  conventional  freeze-dried
                     products, a thick structure on the product surface layer
                     and large pores in the material center are usually seen
                     during various infrared freeze-drying trails. Collapse
                     happens as a result of an excessive rise in product
                     temperature when exposed to IR, which adversely
                     impacts the product’s physicochemical properties. Under
                     optimal conditions, infrared microwave vacuum freeze-
                     drying has the potential for large-scale industrial
                     production due to the faster drying time and capacity to
                     create high-quality dried food products.

                     Applications of Hybrid Freeze-Drying
                     Technologies in Food Dehydration
                     Hybrid freeze-drying is a promising technology frequently
                     used to dry food, especially fruits and vegetables.
                     However, there are few reports on its application in drying
                     meat and poultry, seafood, and beverages. Recently,
                     hybrid freeze-drying was applied in numerous applications
                     to process fresh products. The research investigated the
                     potential of freeze-drying alone and infrared-assisted
                     freeze-drying to dehydrate edible insects (Proteotia
                     brevitarsis  larva). This  suggested  that  an  infrared
                     provided the sublimation energy required for fast freeze-
                     drying. Compared with freeze-drying, continuous
                     infrared-assisted freeze-drying considerably reduced
                                                                                                  DEC  2023 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  43

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