Page 103 - FoodFocusThailand No.218 MAY 2024
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5. Beverage Production: In the production of juices and 4. Minimal Chemical Residues: Unlike traditional
beverages, UV treatment is employed to disinfect liquids and pasteurization methods that involve heat treatment, UV
prevent the growth of spoilage microorganisms. This extends radiation doesn’t introduce chemical residues or alter the
the shelf life of the products and helps maintain their chemical composition of the beverage. This is particularly
freshness and quality. important for products that need to meet strict regulatory
6. Dairy Industry: UV technology is used for the guidelines for purity and clean labeling.
pasteurization of dairy products. It can be used for the 5. Energy Efficiency: UV radiation is an energy-efficient
sterilization of milk, which is important in producing safe and technology that can be integrated into existing production
long-lasting dairy products such as yogurt. processes without requiring extensive energy consumption or
7. Food Packaging: UV radiation is used in the the use of additional resources.
sterilization of food packaging and containers, which are 6. Reduced Environmental Impact: UV radiation as a
essential for maintaining the integrity of products like pre- treatment method is eco-friendly. It does not produce harmful
packaged meals and convenience foods. by-products or emissions, which aligns with the increasing
8. Fish and Seafood Processing: The Thai seafood consumer demand for sustainable and environmentally
industry often utilizes UV radiation for the disinfection of responsible food production practices.
water used in aquaculture and fish processing. This helps
to reduce the risk of contamination and improve the safety The Mechanism of Microbial Growth Inhibition by
of seafood products. UV Radiation
9. Quality Enhancement: UV radiation is used in food This mechanism primarily involves damaging the genetic
processing to maintain the color and freshness of products, material of microorganisms, specifically their DNA and RNA.
especially fruits and vegetables. It can help extend the shelf UV radiation, especially in the UV-C range (around 254 nm),
life of these products by preventing browning and spoilage. is highly effective at inactivating or killing a wide range of
10. Compliance with Food Safety Standards: In microorganisms, including bacteria, yeast, and mold. This
alignment with international food safety standards and process occurs through the following steps:
regulations, UV technology is used in the Thai food industry 1. Absorption of UV Energy: When microorganisms are
to ensure that products meet stringent safety and quality exposed to UV radiation, their DNA and RNA molecules absorb
requirements. the energy from the UV photons. UV-C radiation, with its shorter
wavelengths, is particularly effective in this regard.
Insights of UV Radiation Applications on Food 2. Formation of Thymine Dimers: The absorbed UV
Safety and Quality Improvement energy leads to the formation of covalent bonds between
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is a versatile technology that has adjacent thymine (T) bases on the DNA or RNA strands. These
found numerous applications in various industries, including bonds are known as thymine dimers.
food and beverage. One compelling application of UV 3. Disruption of Genetic Material: Thymine dimers cause
radiation is in the improvement of the safety and quality of structural disruptions in the DNA or RNA strands. These
juices and beverages. UV radiation can be harnessed to disruptions can result in mutations, interfere with the normal
address a range of issues related to microbial contamination, replication and transcription processes, and lead to the loss of
shelf-life extension, and sensory quality enhancement in genetic integrity. As a consequence, microorganisms become
these products. unable to carry out vital cellular functions.
1. Microbial Safety: UV radiation is highly effective in 4. Cellular Inactivation: The damage to the genetic
disinfecting beverages. By exposing these liquids to UV-C material is often lethal for microorganisms. They can no longer
light, which has a wavelength of 254 nanometers, reproduce or function properly, which ultimately leads to their
microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and molds are inactivation or death. This is why UV radiation effectively
inactivated or killed. This process ensures the elimination of disinfects water, air, surfaces, and other environments.
harmful pathogens without the need for chemical additives, It’s important to note that the effectiveness of UV radiation
making UV treatment a more natural and environmentally in microbial inhibition is influenced by various factors, including
friendly solution. the UV dose (intensity and exposure time), the type and
2. Extended Shelf-life: UV radiation can also significantly condition of microorganisms, and the presence of UV-protective
extend the shelf life of beverages by eradicating or reducing substances (e.g., organic matter or pigments) that can reduce
the microbial load. UV treatment helps prevent spoilage and the UV penetration and effectiveness. Overall, UV radiation
fermentation, thereby increasing the product’s longevity. This has become an integral part of the food industry in Thailand,
is particularly valuable for products with minimal preservatives, contributing to food safety, quality enhancement, and the
as UV can reduce the reliance on these additives. extension of shelf life for a wide range of food and beverage
3. Improved Quality: UV radiation can enhance the products. Its applications are crucial in meeting the demands
sensory qualities of beverages. It can help maintain the color, of consumers for safer, fresher, and higher-quality food products
flavor, and nutritional content of the product, as UV treatment in the Thai market.
does not generate heat. This preservation of sensory
attributes is essential for maintaining the product’s overall
quality and consumer appeal. More Information Service Info C015
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