Page 62 - FoodFocusThailand No.218 MAY 2024
P. 62


            Enzymatic Recycling Process

            for Sugar Beet Production:

            Pathway to Sustainable


           Sugar beet, renowned for its high sucrose content, holds immense
           potential as a raw material for soluble sugar production,
           which finds applications in diverse industries, including
           food, beverage, and pharmaceuticals. In the realm of sugar beet processing, enzymatic hydrolysis stands
           as a critical step in extracting these sugars by converting the complex carbohydrates within sugar beets into
           valuable soluble sugars. However, the traditional enzymatic hydrolysis process often involves high enzyme
           usage and associated costs. To address these challenges and enhance sustainability, researchers have been
           exploring innovative approaches such as enzyme recycling. This article explores the process development
           of sugar beet enzymatic hydrolysis, focusing on enzyme recycling for efficient soluble sugar production.

            Enzymatic Hydrolysis Process of Sugar Beet                One interesting research is the development of an enzyme
            The enzymatic hydrolysis of sugar beet for soluble sugar production  recycling process for soluble sugar production to reduce the
            involves several key steps as follows:                 economic uncertainty raised by the high costs of enzymes by
               1. Pretreatment: The  sugar  beet  raw  material  undergoes  reducing fresh enzyme usage. The hydrolysate obtained from
            pretreatment to disrupt the complex cell wall structure, enhancing  the beet hydrolysis by a mixture of cellulases and pectinases
            the accessibility of enzymes to the polysaccharides. The standard  was  centrifuged  and  then  processed  through  a  50  kDa
            pretreatment methods include steam explosion, acid hydrolysis, or  molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) polyethersulfone membrane
            alkaline treatment, which facilitate enzyme penetration and  to recover enzymes from the sample solution. This study found
            subsequent hydrolysis.                                 that liquid enzyme recycling with 50% fresh enzyme addition
               2. Enzyme Selection: In hydrolysis, specific enzymes should  achieved a similar liquefaction extent and sugar yield compared
            be selected based on their ability to target the polysaccharides in  to using 100% fresh enzyme. While comparing with the solid
            sugar beet. This generally uses a combination of carbohydrases such  enzyme recycling showed a lower liquefaction efficiency,
            as cellulases, hemicellulases, and pectinases, each tailored to  requiring at least 75% of fresh enzyme addition for a comparable
            degrade the respective polysaccharide components into soluble  liquefaction extent. Moreover, they also demonstrated
            sugars.                                                sequential batches of hydrolysis with enzyme recycling to
               3. Enzyme Addition: The specific enzymes are added to the  ensure no inhibitory effects would occur. Five batches of
            pretreated sugar beet, initiating hydrolysis. These enzymes catalyze  hydrolysis with liquid recycling presented no significant
            the cleavage of glycosidic bonds within cellulose, hemicellulose, and  difference in liquefaction between each batch of hydrolysis.
            pectin, then release soluble sugars such as glucose, fructose, xylose,  The initial batch with 100% fresh enzymes showed a lower
            and arabinose.                                         sugar content compared to the remaining four batches with
               4. Hydrolysis Reaction: The enzyme-substrate interaction  liquid recycling, which is due to the soluble sugar contained in
            catalyzes the hydrolysis reaction, leading to the depolymerization of  the retentate with the recycled enzymes. These results
            polysaccharides into soluble sugar monomers. The importance of  concluded that at least five sequential batches of hydrolysis
            this process is maintaining the optimal conditions, including  could be successfully conducted with liquid recycling without
            temperature, pH, and enzyme concentration, to maximize sugar yield  affecting either the quantity or quality of the final product.
            and production efficiency.                                Enzymatic hydrolysis is considered a sustainable and
               5. Soluble Sugar Recovery: The mixture obtained after the  efficient method for sugar production from sugar beet, offering
            complete hydrolysis process, known as hydrolysate, undergoes  a renewable alternative to traditional sugar sources. Harnessing
            separation through filtration and centrifugation or other separation  the activity of enzymes to break down polysaccharides into
            techniques to recover the soluble sugars from the insoluble residues.  accessible sugars unlocks the full potential of sugar beet as a
                                                                   valuable raw material for the food and beverage industry. It
            Sugar  Production  Development  with  Enzymatic  greatly contributes to a greener and more sustainable future.
            Recycling Process                                      However, the efficiency of enzyme recycling needs to be further
            Although the enzymatic hydrolysis of sugar beet has potential, it still  enhanced, which may be initiated by altering the MWCO
            faces certain challenges, such as enzyme cost, optimization of  membrane size to selectively retain beneficial enzymes or
            process parameters, and the need for continuous research to enhance  accelerating  the  enzyme  desorption  process  to  reduce
            efficiency and reduce production costs. Current advancements may  processing time, leading to an increase in the working cycle
            involve the development of enzymes with improved activity and  as well.
            stability, including the integration of enzymatic hydrolysis with other
            biological processes for comprehensive raw material utilization.

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