Page 83 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
P. 83


                    (OAV) which is defined as the ratio of the concentration of   of their sensory activity by correlating functional data from human
                    each volatile compound in food over its human sensory   studies and taste receptor activation patterns. For example, in
                    recognition threshold concentration.                 the study of organoleptic properties of steviol glycosides, the
                       5. Validation of analytical and sensory data using   sweet principles of Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni could be defined
                    chemosensory re-engineering experiments.  A total    on a molecular level. After discovering crucial structural
                    recombinant of all identified odorants and tastants, each in its   components that activated sweet taste receptors by using the
                    natural concentration as found in the target food product, is   SIDA technique and liquid chromatography for quantification,
                    sensorially compared to the flavor profile of the authentic food   new downstream processing procedures were deduced to
                    product to confirm that all key flavoring compounds have been   enable the targeted manufacturing of sensorially preferred Stevia
                    successfully identified and quantitated.             extracts. Moreover, the previous study of the hop-derived bitter
                       6. Human psychophysical experiments  include             compounds in hop extracts and beer used the population of
                    dose-response and time-intensity recordings to examine       chemosensory active molecules (Sensometabolome) as a
                    inter-individual differences in sensory perception.  molecular blueprint for visualizing the changes in sensometabolite
                       7. The study of chemosensory receptors to identify   profiles throughout breeding programs, post-harvest
                    ligand-chemosensory receptor pairs and understand the   manufacturing processes, and/or food storage process.
                    mechanisms of their biological action by combining functional   These modern bioinformatics tools aid in the deconvolution
                    data from human experiments.                         of the complicated interactions between the individual
                                                                         chemosensates, allowing for the navigation towards the targeted
                    Advantages of Sensomics Applications                 development  of  taste  food  products.  Sensomics  has  now
                    Application of the sensomics approach revealed that many   emerged as an essential technology and is frequently employed
                    previously unknown chemosensates are formed throughout   in the sensory evaluation process.
                    food processing. For instance, taste enhancers have been
                    found during the thermal processing of beef, formed by
                    Maillard-type reactions of hexose sugars and L-alanine amino
                    acids. It was found to enhance human sensitivity for sweet
                    and umami molecules significantly. The knowledge of such
                    chemosensory key molecules then led to a better understanding   More Information      Service Info C011

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