Page 57 - FoodFocusThailand No.220 July 2024
P. 57


                     food forms can be consumed while     heavy exercise. This not only supports muscle function and reduces inflammation
                     exercising, such as easy and         but also provides a healthy life in the future. Therefore, people who exercise and
                     convenient liquid supplements or     play sports should plan their diet and activity patterns to achieve perfect exercise.
                     water. Some may prefer energy
                     gels, bars, and chewable foods
                     with specific formulas to support                   More Information        Service Info C009
                     activity better. High-intensity and
                     more prolonged exercise must         เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     consume 50-100 calories of 
                     carbohydrates such as  low-fat         and-hydrating-before-during-and-after-exercise
                     yogurt, raisins, or bananas.
                     Whether in light or  moderate-         before-during-and-after-workouts
                     intensity activity or as a professional
                     athlete, it’s vital to maintain proper
                     hydration levels by drinking
                     adequate water without snacking
                     while working out.

                     Accelerates muscle
                     recovery after exercise
                     A post-workout diet focuses on
                     physical recovery, especially food
                     sources of carbohydrates, high
                     protein, fluids, and electrolytes, like
                     meals before and during exercise.
                     When the body receives
                     carbohydrates and protein 30-90
                     minutes  after  exercise,
                     carbohydrates replenish glycogen
                     stores and are used for long-term
                     health recovery. On the other hand,
                     proteins provide essential amino
                     acids  to  repair  and  strengthen
                     muscle tissue components during
                     and  after  exercise.  People  who
                     exercise and athletes need to drink
                     enough water or juice to balance
                     electrolytes from losing water and
                     mineral salts in sweat. Apart from
                     the primary food, the other sources
                     of energy, including fruits, nuts, and
                     green leafy vegetables, are also
                     rich in essential nutrients such as
                     folate and magnesium, as well as
                     vitamins A, D, and E that reduce
                     stress and inflammation in muscle
                     cells. The replenishment of lost
                     energy should be considered in
                     preparing  for  the  next  workout,
                     such as eating high-fiber carbs,
                     high  protein,  low-fat  foods,  and
                     drinking water within 1- 4 hours
                     after  exercise  because  it  is  the
                     most tissue metabolic period in the
                        A key factor in maximizing the
                     effectiveness of exercise is eating
                     a diet that is appropriate for your
                     body, including light, moderate, or

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