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Human Milk

                                                                         Oligosaccharides (HMO):

                                                                         Creating Differentiating

                                                                         Offers in Infant Nutrition

                                                                         By:  Marianne Heer
                                                                            Scientific Marketing
                                                                            BASF Human Nutrition

             Parents are concerned about healthy growth and development of their babies – meeting this demand is the basis
             for creating differentiating offers in infant nutrition.

                There is broad consensus that breast feeding is the best nutrition for   The First Superfood: for Babies’ Healthy Development
             newborn infants. Not only does it assure normal growth and development   During infancy, HMOs are important for shaping the microbiota by
             during infancy, it is also associated with favorable medium-to-long term   promoting the colonization of beneficial bacteria, mainly bifidobacteria.
             outcomes, such as lower risk of respiratory or gastrointestinal infections,   More and more ongoing studies show the clinical relevance of
             allergy, diabetes or obesity in later life.              deviations from a “normal” microbiota, especially during early life (e.g.,
                For mothers who cannot breastfeed, infant milk formulas could be   dysbiosis preceding allergic diseases, metabolic syndrome or obesity).
             the next best alternative to breast milk. Intense research is ongoing to   Thus, developing a microbiota close to that of breastfed infants is the
             identify specific components of human milk and to make them available   objective.
             as ingredients for formula – always with the objective to narrow the   Healthy immune functions are a pre-requisite for the prevention of
             nutritional gap between human milk and cow’s milk-based infant formula.  infections and allergies. About 10 years ago, it was found that
                                                                      Campylobacter diarrhea – one of the major causes of diarrhea during
             Designed by Mothers: Discovered by Scientists            infancy – occurred less often in babies whose mother’s milk contained
             Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMO) is a breakthrough differentiator:   high levels of 2’-FL. In the meantime, mechanistic studies shed light
             they are the third largest solid component in human milk, following lactose   on this observation: due to the specific molecular structure, 2’-FL is
             and fat. The amount is about 300 times higher compared with bovine   able to act as a decoy receptor for pathogens. Instead of binding to
             milk.                                                    the carbohydrate receptors on the intestinal cell surfaces, pathogens
                HMOs were discovered many years ago, however, it was only during   bind to 2’-FL and the adhesion to the host cells – the first step of
             the last decades that detailed insights into the complexity of the structures   infections – can be prevented. Moreover, 2’-FL can directly modulate
             were gained, thanks to the availability of more precise analytical methods.   intestinal  cell  responses  and  the  thus  strengthen  the  mucous
                The  HMO  composition  of  human  milk  is  complex  and  varies   barrier.
             significantly among mothers, over the course of lactation and according   Recent data suggest that 2’-FL can directly attenuate inflammation
             to their genetic set-up. The HMO concentration in early milk is highest   in experimental models. This confirms HMOs as being an “innate”
             and it declines by about 30% over the course of lactation. In mature   immune system of human milk whereby the mother protects the
             human milk, the content may still be as high as 5 – 20g/L compared to   vulnerable newborn child. 2’-FL can also represent a novel preventative
             less than 0.05g/L of bovine milk.                        active to reduce mucosal inflammation associated with diverse bowel
                Today, more than 200 HMO molecules have been identified, of which   disorders.
             2’-fucosyllactose (2’-FL) is the most abundant in most mothers.  Allergies are on the rise in many countries and besides genetic
                Up to now, galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and fructo-oligosaccharides   predisposition,  environmental  factors  have  an  important  role.
             (FOS) have often been added to infant formula to mimic HMOs. However,   Observational studies suggest that fucosylated HMOs may have a
             both do not occur in human milk. On the other hand, fucose and sialic   preventive role in infants with high allergy risk.
             acid which appear to be important structural and functional components   Further promising results stem from rodent models, in which 2’-FL
             of HMOs are absent in infant formula with GOS/FOS.       was shown to have a positive effect on learning and memory functions
                Thus, the availability of HMOs with molecular structures identical to   when supplemented during infancy.
             those occurring in human milk, is a breakthrough in infant nutrition.

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