Page 6 - FoodFocusThailand No.189 December 2021
P. 6
Spoonable cappuccino foam, fluffy cream cakes and creamy about them,” says van den Berg, explaining his choice. “Over the
soups – when the taste buds explode with delight, it’s not just years, you simply get a feeling for whether an instrument works
because of the aroma, but often because of the consistency of well or not.”
the product. The Dutch company Kievit, which belongs to the
FrieslandCampina Group, is a specialist in such taste experiences. For example, a radar sensor from VEGA has been measuring in
Whether in food or drink, it’s the quality of ingredients that ensure our raw material silo since 2006. At that time, only the 26-GHz
a delicious taste, texture and sensory perfection. “Together with VEGAPULS 68 was available. But because the Dk value of this
our customers, we develop ingredients for the food and beverage particular raw material is very low, accurate measurement was
industry, such as foaming cream agents, coffee and cocoa blends, always a challenge. So when VEGAPULS 69 with 80-GHz
fat powders, whipping agents, functional blends, micro-encapsu- technology was launched on the market, the engineering team
lation and cake emulsifiers,” explains Ger van den Berg, the man didn’t hesitate and switched quickly to the instrument with the
responsible for work preparation and planning at Kievit’s Meppel higher frequency. The previous measurement uncertainties were
site. Technologies such as emulsification, spray drying, microen- thus eliminated all at once.
capsulation and agglomeration are used to convert liquids into
powders or to give products certain properties. And since 2011, many more instruments from VEGA have
been in use: a VEGAPULS 61 non-contact radar level sensor in
Long-term partnership wastewater treatment, as well as point level switches VEGACAP,
When it comes to pressure and level measurement, Friesland- VEGASWING and VEGAVIB in various applications. Numerous
Campina Kievit relies on sensors from Schiltach, and has done pressure measuring instruments from VEGA are also in use,
so for around 15 years. Over this time, a wide variety of sensors monitoring various production processes, for example, storage of
from VEGA have been installed across the plant. “I appreciate the fats and filter monitoring.
reliability of the instruments and know that there’s no need to worry
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