Page 7 - FoodFocusThailand No.189 December 2021
P. 7
Prompt intervention A plus in operational safety
One measuring point, however, has been under constant The universal connection for hygienic adapters on the new sensor series
observation for many years: the place where emulsification is reduces installation work. Process fittings can be selected as required
monitored. The prevailing process conditions there are typical for and adapted to the on-site requirements. The sensor also has a display
food production. It is warm, the temperature of the process water is with on-site adjustment options and, as a special highlight, a full-colour
85 °C and strong vibration and pressure surges are commonplace. 360° status display. This is not only for optical reasons: since the colour
The pressures in the pipes are generally between -1 and +8 bar. As of the illuminated ring can be freely selected, it can also be adapted to
soon as the emulsion reaches a certain temperature, it is pumped on unfavourable lighting conditions. At a glance, the user can see if the
with a high-pressure pump. To feed the high-pressure pump, there measuring process is running, if the sensor is switching, or if there is a
has to be constant pressure in this circulating system. A pressure possible malfunction in the process.
measurement was therefore installed downstream from the pump
to detect filter contamination at an early stage. The IO-Link standard protocol ensures universal and simultaneously
simple communication. The instruments thus have a standardised
“In the past, pressure gauges from another manufacturer were communication platform that enables seamless data transfer and simple
used here, but due to their short lifespan they always caused integration into the system.
problems,” explains van den Berg. Other measuring principles,
such as flow measurement, did not work properly either. On the The new VEGABAR measuring instrument series can also be
one hand, the penetration of moisture caused problems, and on the conveniently read out and configured with a smartphone or tablet.
other, the diaphragms of the sensors would often fail. “However, Especially in environments with many pipelines and interconnected
this measurement is absolutely necessary for the overall process, production processes, where access is difficult and time-consuming,
as it is the only way to monitor the contamination of the filter, which this option considerably simplifies sensor adjustment and operation.
in turn is crucial for the proper functioning of the pump,” explains This is an aspect that our manufacturer appreciates very much in a
van den Berg further. daily work routine.
The new VEGABAR 38 was installed at this measuring point even Simple, reliable setup and commissioning
before its official market launch in August 2019. It is a universally Since this first deployment was more or less a pilot run, the VEGA team
applicable pressure transmitter with ceramic measuring cell for stayed on hand during the installation. “In the future, however, we’ll
measurement of gases, vapours and liquids up to 130 °C. This handle everything ourselves. Thanks to Bluetooth being compatible
very compact sensor enables simple and, at the same time, highly with the app or PACTware software, the setup and monitoring of the
efficient automation. Above all, there are no compromises in terms VEGA instruments is very easy,” says van den Berg, who has appreciated
of safety, hygiene or accuracy, i.e. exactly the requirements that the quality and reliability of VEGA instruments as well as VEGA service
are crucial in food production. for many years. Also: “I like the colour. After all, it’s also nice to have
equipment that looks great,” adds van den Berg, laughing and pointing
out that the pressure sensors have been working perfectly since they
were installed.
VEGA Instruments Co., Ltd.
Tel.: +66 2700 9240
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