Page 36 - FoodFocusThailand No.193 April 2022
P. 36


            Personalized Sports Drink Design

            for Athletes and Sport Lovers

            The most effective exercise occurs when the body receives proper energy support and is enough to replace
            fluids lost through sweat when exercising. This was because the amount of sweat secretion is unequal among
            individuals, so they need water and electrolyte replacement to get the body hydration, quench thirst, reduce
            fatigue, and enhance individual physical performance.

               The smart skin patch can measure the water level in the body and   developed, including weight, sex, workout type, and the environment,
            process through the application, providing helpful information for exercises   to create a personalized sweat profile along with recommendations
            planning and better recovering the body. It also increases confidence that   about fluid and electrolyte intake. These recommendations are
            every exercise will get the most benefit.  A sports drink is generated with   processed before, during, and after the workout, including guidelines
            a combination of water, sugar, and electrolytes that support sports players   on food consumption. The procedure for using this device started with
            and exercises. It can be consumed before, during, and after exercise to   filling in specific information on the exercises app. After that, attach
            compensate the sweat loss, which is divided into three categories according   a sweat patch on the inner left forearm 2-3 inches from the elbow,
            to the concentration level as follow:                   which is a clean, dry area with no lotion, sunscreen, or spray on the
               1. Hypotonic: This beverage contains less than 4% sugar. It is suitable   skin. Press down firmly for 10 seconds to seal the patch and wear it
            for long-term exercise and a high volume of sweat loss.  during sweating exercises for a period of 20 minutes to 2 hours. During
               2. Isotonic: The beverage contains 4-6 % sugar. It is also suitable for   exercise, the patch will gradually generate a color bar in the sweat
            long-term exercise and losing a lot of sweat, but it can increase the energy   rate and sodium concentration channels which is an essential mineral
            during exercise more than the hypotonic solution.       for the body to regulate fluid balance and help muscle function. After
               3. Hypertonic: This beverage contains 6-10 % sugar and is suitable   the user completes a workout, they can track their sweat loss profile
            for medium-term fitness but uses a lot of energy. The drink has a high   or the loss of individual water immediately by scanning the patch on
            sugar content; therefore, it provides quick energy. However, this type is   the arm with the app. It will summarize the result regarding the amount
            not suitable for replacing sweat loss because of the high concentration.   of fluid lost and the water that the body should intake for recovery.
            As a result, the body secretes water in the intestines for dilution before   The sweat profile can also reuse for the same activity in a similar
            absorbing sugar and mineral reaching the body, resulting in increased   environment in the future. The main information displayed on the
            thirst.                                                 application is divided into three categories as follows:
               Like sugar, electrolytes are the key ingredients that provide energy in   • Fluid loss: The total amount of fluid you lose during a workout
            sports drinks because sweat is composed mainly of water, approximately   is used to calculate hydration needs.
            99%, and 1% electrolytes. The notification of the Ministry of Public Health   • Sweat rate indicator: The amount you sweat over one hour
            No. 195 prescribing the standard for 1 liter of sports drink must contain   helps calculate the fluid loss.
            sodium content not less than 460 - 920 mg and potassium not more than   • Sodium loss indicator: The amount of sodium you lose through
            195 mg. Usually, an athlete’s sweat patterns vary depending on sweat   your sweat is used to calculate electrolyte needs.
            levels, forearm sodium loss, body weight, and type of exercise or the   The sweat patch works best when you’re doing workouts that
            intensity workout. Therefore, the monitoring system of the water loss for   cause you to sweat the most such as basketball, cycling, treadmill,
            individual athletes was developed to design the water intake and avoid   football, and tennis. The microfluidic patch technology is outstanding
            cramps or dehydration during exercise.                  and different from conventional sweat analysis methods, which are
               The world-class electrolyte beverage company for the exercise, sports   time-intensive and laborious. Therefore, this patch is a special aid for
            player, and sweating person  is launching a water loss tracking system   athletes and those who seriously take care of their bodies after
            and hydration levels in the form of a sweat measure patch combination   exercise, together with the consumption of sports drinks according
            with the fitness monitoring app platform. A tracking app was invented using   to the personalized requirements.
            deep expertise and knowledge in sports nutrition and sports science to   Smart  sweat  patch  provides  helpful  information  to  both
            obtain an energy-adding guideline based on individual physiological and   manufacturers for designing appropriately nutritional beverages to
            allows the coaching staff to analyze long-term exercise plans. It can   specific needs customers as well as consumers to monitor the changes
            calculate for required energy according to the specific needs of individual   in their own body and increase the best performance exercise. It can
            sports players and provide the data for athletes or those who exercise to   be used as a guideline for developing other forms of beverage products
            know “how much the body sweats” and “how much sodium is lost.”   to satisfy the real needs of consumers.
            Moreover, this app also evaluates the water level and the risk of dehydration
            of the body, which can able substituted with electrolyte drinks after exercise
            appropriately. The development and design of the sweat patch come with
            an  electrolyte  drink  in  a  comfortable, non-slip  squeeze  bottle  and   More Information  Service Info C005
            concentrated nutrients in a small cup for mixing with normal water called
            “Drinkfinity pod.”                                      ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional Information
               The sweat patch is a biomarker related to exercise and nutrition data.   1   PepsiCo บริิษััทผลิิตเคริ่�องดื่่�มเกลิ่อแริ่ท่�พััฒนาแผ่นแปะผิวหนังวัดื่ริะดื่ับการิสููญเสู่ยนำ�า
            As a wearable device for measuring sweat volume, it is designed to be     สูำาหริับนักก่ฬา
            single-use disposable to analyze the water loss level, evaluate the
            efficiency and the metabolism level while the sports player is wearing and   เอกสารอ้างอ่ง / References
            motion. The device consists of microchannels that capture tiny amounts   สูมาคมนักกำาหนดื่อาหาริแห่งปริะเทศไทย. 2562. ก่อน ริะหว่าง หลิังวิ�งควริดื่่�มนำ�าอย่างไริ.
            of sweat for colorimetric analysis of key biomarkers, including sweat rate,
            sweat loss, and NaCl composition. To enable real-time performance
            insights, the sweat patch uses custom algorithms on a smartphone app     sures-sweat-hydration-levels.html
             36  FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  APR   2022          

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