Page 41 - FoodFocusThailand No.193 April 2022
P. 41


                     Polymerase Chain Reaction Technique (PCR) is a technique used   the  product  food  contains  GMOs. The  use  of  conventional  PCR
                  to increase the quantity of DNA fragments area of   interest, which   techniques to determine whether food products are GMOs is a qualitative
                  indicates the presence of GMOs using thermocycler and the principle   assay to check the product that contains GMOs or not. Quantitative
                  Self-replicating  for  the  synthesis  of  desired  site  parts  from  the   analysis is not possible.
                  interactions between DNA from food samples with short DNA   Real-time PCR techniques have therefore been developed for use
                  fragments specific to the examined DNA fragment, the primer serves   in quantitative investigations. By adding a specific DNA fragment to the
                  as the starting point for the DNA synthesis process. The PCR reaction   fluorescent-labeled target DNA, known as a DNA probe, it fluoresces
                  initiates the first cycle of DNA synthesis from a gene or DNA fragment   upon reaction participated in the PCR reaction and add a light source
                  in one molecule of interest; two genes or DNA fragments are obtained   to produce the fluorescence of the PCR reaction products and the
                  in that region. After 30 to 40 cycles of this reaction, the number of   fluorescence probe. This makes it possible to increase the quantity of
                  DNA fragments required increases by millions of times (2n increases   required DNA fragments and report the result of the reaction at that time
                  when n is the number of reaction cycles).             in every cycles of the reaction For the determination of GMOs in food
                     3. The results were examined by comparing the results obtained   products by the Real-time PCR technique is analyzed together with
                  from the PCR reaction of the food samples’ DNA. Using Gel   samples of GMOs used as standard substances with different weight
                  Electrophoresis, which is a biotechnological method used in the study   ratios of GMOs, e.g., 0.01%, 0.1%, 1.0%, 5.0%, etc. to know the
                  of nucleic acids, such as DNA and RNA, in terms of separating the   percentage of GMOs contained in the product.
                  study of some structures and properties by using the principle of   This biomolecular technique can be used to determine the presence
                  movement of electric charges in an electric field to verify against PCR   of GMOs in food products and raw materials used in food production. It
                  reaction results of genes or regions of interest specific to reaction   helps consumers and food producers in the country have information in
                  primers. In the electric field, nucleic acids move from the negative   choosing to consume or use raw materials to produce food products.
                  pole to the anode because it has a structure that contains a phosphate   For export, it will help build confidence in customers in the quality of
                  group (PO -) that causes a negative charge. This principle is used to   products. In addition, this technology is also applied in other biomarker
                  separate or analyze nucleic acids, especially DNA, under an electric   processes for purposes such as product adulteration detection, use in
                  field (Electrophoresis) through the medium is agar (Gel). The medium   plant or animal breeding processes, and used to detect pathogenic
                  commonly used is agar type is the Agarose. After DNA is isolated on   microorganisms in food products, etc.
                  agar, the agar plates are stained with Ethidium bromide, a substance
                  that glows under ultraviolet light.
                     Ethidium bromide binds to the DNA strand cause when the agar
                  sheets are placed under ultraviolet light. It will see the DNA bands   More Information  Service Info C006
                  glow and record images of DNA. It can be studied further using a
                  polaroid camera If the DNA band is found in the analysis food sample   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                  and matches the DNA band used to identify GMOs, indicating that

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