Page 45 - FoodFocusThailand No.193 April 2022
P. 45


                     For  example,  a  plant-based  food   into  alternative  seafood  totaling  $116  million,  surpassing  2020’s  total  investments.
                  company from Denmark  uses fermentation   More than 87 companies now make seafood from plants, microbes, and animal cells, and
                  to achieve a dairy-like taste in its multi-  leading plant-based manufacturers are expanding their seafood SKUs. In 2022, expect
                  ingredient plant-based milk, and Israeli   plant-based seafood options to expand in restaurants, grocery stores, and online
                  company  harnesses microorganisms to      marketplaces.
                  add taste and nutrition to its plant-based   Cultivated  Meat  is  expected  to  receive  further  regulatory  approvals  and
                  steaks.                                    launch in restaurants As of January 2022, the only nation to approve the sale of
                       The technology toolkit is  4cultivated meat is Singapore. In December 2020, Singapore granted regulatory
                       expanding Alternative proteins for   approval to cultivated chicken . In 2022, more consumers may get their first taste of
                  2a variety of processes can replace    cultivated meat and seafood products.
                  animal protein production, including the
                  three  main  platforms:  plant-based,
                  fermentation, and cultivated meat. In 2022,
                  the  lines  between  these  different
                  production platforms will become blurrier
                  as products are increasingly hybridized.
                  For example, a plant-based burger made
                  with fermentation-derived heme. Many
                  plant-based milk and cheese companies
                  are  using  traditional  fermentation
                  techniques on nuts and other plant-based
                  ingredients to get that authentic sharp and
                  creamy dairy taste of conventional cheese.
                  In this year, we may see cultivated meat
                  products launched as blends with plant
                  protein ingredients, both to lower costs and
                  appeal to consumers who are looking for
                  nutritional features like fiber.
                     In addition, the emergence of innovative
                  new processes was occurred, such as
                  plant molecular farming (PMF), which uses
                  plants as recombinant protein production
                  hosts  to  produce  ingredients  that
                  traditionally only exist in animal products.
                  The process is similar to precision
                  fermentation but uses plants instead of
                  bacteria  or  fungi  as  cell  factories.  For
                  example, cheese and other dairy products
                  manufactured  from  plant-derived  dairy
                  proteins  mix casein protein made through
                  PMF  with  plant  ingredients  to  create
                  plant-derived cheese that matches the
                  stretchiness,  meltiness,  and  taste  of
                  animal-derived  cheese. A  food-tech
                  company that produces plant-based meat
                  and  dairy  substitutes   uses  artificial
                  intelligence to find new combinations of
                  plant ingredients to replicate the taste of
                  animal foods.
                       Plant-based product categories
                       continue to diversify and reach
                  3higher fidelity to animal products
                  Plant-based products can be divided into
                  several categories like seafood, meat,
                  bacon and pepperoni, eggs, and milk. The
                  first half of 2021 saw record investments

                                                                                                  APR  2022 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  45

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