Page 50 - FoodFocusThailand No.193 April 2022
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              of kratom according to the local folkways, as far as facts are concerned,   Application for Permission of Food Products
              is largely for herbal and traditionally medicinal purposes, such as   Containing Kratom
              treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and pain relief. There is no   Any individual or enterprise, including food producer, food importer,
              information on the history of being consumed as food in any   restaurant culinarian, restaurant, hotel, bakery, café, and automatic
              documented evidence that indicates its culinary usage. Therefore,   beverage  vending  machine,  that  wishes  to  sell  a  food  product
              Food products containing kratom are considered as novel food under   containing kratom or use kratom in the cooking processes of a
              the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No.376) B.E.2559   commercial food product are required to apply for a permission
              (2016) regarding novel food of which safety for consumption shall be   according to the regulations of novel foods safety assessment and
              assessed prior to being sold in Thailand.             shall  submit  the  corresponding  labels  to  the  Food  and  Drug
                  Therefore, in order to support the research and development of   Administration for approval before use. These regulations adhere to
              food products containing kratom on the basis of consumer protection,   the conditions of the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health
              the Ministry of Public Health has issued, by virtue of the Food Act   (No.376) B.E.2559 (2016) Re: Novel Foods. The details of the
              B.E.2522 (1979), the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health   procedure for the safety assessment of novel foods established by
              (No.430) B.E.2564 (2021) entitled Amendment of the Notification of   the Food and Drug Administration, along with the contact information
              the Ministry of Public Health (No.424) B.E.2564 (2021) issued by   of food safety assessment body recognized by the Food and Drug
              virtue of the Food Act B.E.2522 (1979) Re: Prescribed Prohibited   Administration, can be retrieved on the website of the Food Division.
              Food to be Produced, Imported, or Sold. The important points are   [
              summarized as follows:                                aspx?T=FoodNews&TF=1&IDdata=198 ]
                 1. The condition on prohibited part of kratom in Item No.52 has   For further information regarding the procedure for the submission
              been revised. Mitragyna speciosa (Korth.) Havil. (Kratom), including   of relevant documents to the agencies of novel foods safety
              its whole plant and extract, are prohibited from being produced,   assessment and a cost estimation for safety assessment, please
              imported, or sold except comply with the certain criteria as follow:  directly contact the following FDA-recognized food safety assessment
                   (1) Commercial cooking processes involving kratom parts or   centers:
                      extracts and commercial food products containing kratom   1.  Bureau of Quality and Safety of Food, the Department of
                      parts or extracts—kratom chewing gum, kratom-infused   Medical Sciences, the Ministry of Public Health (http://bqsf.dmsc.
                      energy drink, kratom salad dressing, kratom-infused coffee,
                      kratom cookie, and deep fried breaded kratom leaf, etc.—   2. National Food Institute, the Ministry of Industry (https://www.
                      shall be assessed for food safety and approved as
                      prescribed in the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health   3. Thailand Risk Assessment Center (TRAC), the Nutrition
                      (No.376) B.E. 2559 (2016) Re: Novel Food prior to be   Promotion  Foundation  under  the  royal  patronage  of  Her  Royal
                      produced, imported, or sold.                  Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (https://inmu2.mahidol.
                   (2) Food products containing kratom manufactured solely for
                      export shall be subject to the regulations stipulated by the   With regard to kratom-derived processed foods and products,
                      partner countries.                            such as dried powdered kratom, kratom-aqueous extract, kratom leaf
                 2. The Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No.430)   tea, and dried powdered kratom in capsule or tablet, that are used in
              B.E.2564 (2021) issued by virtue of the Food Act B.E.2522 (1979)   the traditional Thai medicine or as herbal health products, the
              entitled Amendment of the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health   permission request shall be submitted to the Food  and Drug
              (No.424) B.E.2564 (2021) Re: Prescribed Prohibited Food to be   Administration as dictated by the Herbal Products Act B.E.2562
              Produced,  Imported,  or  Sold  was  published  in  the  Royal Thai   (2019)
              Government Gazette on the 5th of January of B.E.2565 (2022) and
              came into force on the 6th of January of B.E.2565 (2022) onward.
                 3. Any  party  that  violates  this  Notification  shall  be  deemed   More Information  Service Info C008
              incompliant with the Section 6(8) and be subject to imprisonment of
              6 months to 2 years and fine of THB 5,000 to THB 20,000 as dictated
              by the Section 50 of the Food Act B.E.2522 (1979).    กฎหมายที่่�เก่�ยวข้้อง / Relevant Regulation
                                                                    ประกาศกระทรวงสาธารณสุข (ฉบัับัท่� 430) พ.ศ. 2564 ออกตามความในพระราชบััญญัติ
                                                                      อาหาร พ.ศ. 2522 เร่�อง แก้ไขเพิ�มเติมประกาศกระทรวงสาธารณสุข (ฉบัับัท่� 424) พ.ศ.
                                                                      2564 ออกตามความในพระราชบััญญัติอาหาร พ.ศ. 2522 เร่�อง กำาหนดอาหารท่�
                                                                      ห้ามผลิิต นำาเข้า หร่อจำำาหน่าย ลิงวันท่� 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2564  ส่บัค้นได้จำาก

                                                                    Notification of the Ministry of Public Health (No.430) B.E.2564 (2021) Issued by
                                                                      virtue of the Food Act B.E.2522 (1979) entitled Amendment of the Notification of
                                                                      the Ministry of Public Health (No. 424) B.E.2564 (2021) Re: Prescribed
                                                                      Prohibited Food to be Produced, Imported, or Sold, dated the 30th of December
                                                                      of B.E.2564 (2021) Available at:

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