Page 55 - FoodFocusThailand No.193 April 2022
P. 55

                                                                                                         STRATEGIC R&D
                  How Is the Immune System Created?
                     1.  The immunity passed on from mother to child
                  through the womb during the pregnancy consists
                  largely of IgG (Immunoglobulin G), which protects
                  the newborn’s vulnerable physiology and will gradually
                  decrease before completely disappearing as the infant
                  reaches the age of 6 months.
                     2.  The immunity derived from a mother’s breast milk
                  consists mostly of IgA (Immunoglobulin A)
                     3.  The immunity can also be naturally created when the body faces
                  a natural infection, such as measle, rubella, mumps, chickenpox, and
                  Hepatitis B virus.
                     4.  The immunity can be created through inoculation.
                                                                           Vaginal canal: the vaginal acidity can stem the growth of pathogenic
                  There are two subtypes of the immune system as        microbes.
                  follows:                                                 Sweat secreted from sweat glands and oil from sebaceous
                     1. The innate or non-specific immunity is a protective mechanism   glands: the fat acidity can destroy and inhibit the growth of some
                  that does not target any specific antigen. It is created since birth and   microbes.
                  includes the following components:                       2. Adaptive immunity is activated after a foreign object or germ
                     Skin: in a normal situation pathogens cannot invade the skin that   invades the body. The invasion will trigger the production of antibodies
                  has no wound.                                         that specifically target and capture the antigen, thus eventually resulting
                     Earwax: it catches dust particles and insects.     in the resistance against and destruction of said antigen.
                     Tear: it contains lysozyme that breaks down bacterial cellular walls.  The mechanism of the immune system is comparable to that of the
                     Trachea: mucilage is secreted to catch dust or microorganisms,   soldiers that protect a country. Fundamentally, the soldiers must be
                  which will then be expelled by cilia, a hair-like organelle, through   strong and sufficiently nourished in order to ensure an effective protection
                  coughing or sneezing.                                 of the territory. Similarly, the immune system can be fortified only when
                     Stomach: hydrochloric acid is secreted to destroy bacteria.  the body is healthy and adequately nourished. The factors that may
                     Urinary bladder: microorganisms are expelled from the body along   jeopardize the immune system include, for example, smoking, insufficient
                  with urine through urethra.                           hours of sleep, consumption of alcoholic beverage, lack of physical

                                                                                                  APR  2022 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  55

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