Page 59 - FoodFocusThailand No.193 April 2022
P. 59


                  residing in the gut, a healthy gut translates
                  to an optimal immune system, giving the
                  body the best chance to fight off infection
                  and  limit  overall  inflammation.  This
                  appreciation  helps  drive  the  growth  of
                  products with probiotics and prebiotics,
                  yeast beta-glucan, human milk
                  oligosaccharides, etc., that help improve
                  our immune function via the gut microbiota.
                     What most consumers are less aware
                  of is the critical role of a healthy gut barrier
                  in supporting an optimum immune system.
                  The gut barrier is prone to certain levels of
                  permeability  (or  leakiness)  caused  by
                  several  factors,  including  a  poor  diet,
                  certain medications, alcohol consumption,   To have a holistic approach to developing an effective immune health product, both the immune
                  stress,  and  environmental  toxins  and  and digestive systems should be supported. A combination of single ingredients can be mixed, or
                  infections, to name a few. When the gut  one comprehensive ingredient that provides multiple benefits can be selected, so there is no searching
                  barrier becomes leaky, the junctions (or  for several ingredients to combine. An example of such a comprehensive solution is colostrum, the
                  connections) between the intestinal cells  first milk produced by the mother of all mammal species that provides the strongest immunity boost
                  become loose, allowing pro-inflammatory  to their offspring early in their lives. Bovine colostrum is the most researched and commercially
                  components to penetrate the barrier into  available  colostrum, contains many components,  including  immunoglobulins, cytokines,
                  our bloodstream. This causes an overall  oligosaccharides, and immune factors such as lactoferrin and lysozyme can support and modulate
                  increase in inflammation and autoimmunity,  the immune system in various ways to address immune health both directly and via the gut axis.
                  potential issues with nutrient absorption,
                  and possibly impact the integrity of the
                  blood-brain barrier.
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                                                                                                  APR  2022 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  59

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