Page 65 - FoodFocusThailand No.193 April 2022
P. 65
is based on the Bioterrorism Prevention Act and the Federal Food, Regulations on Product Traceability System The USA places
Drug, and Cosmetic Act, has four main objectives as follows: 3 great emphasis on the origins of food products as well as the
To make corresponding legislative amendments laws to better responsible manufacturing practices for all products regardless of the
respond to the changing circumstances. import or export nature of their raw materials. Food items must have
1. To improve the reliability of the food safety regulatory system. origin records based on the Food Traceability List (FTL). Food operators
2. To trace and inspect food products and their respective origins. must prepare relevant documents to declare the details on food items
3. To delegate authority and optimize the capability to regulate imported into the USA. The sample products which traceability needs to
the domestic food industry as well as imported food products. be declared are cheeses, tomatoes, leafy greens, sprouts, tropical fruits,
This master law is the order of procedures domestic and overseas fresh or smoked fish with fins, melon-type plants (such as cantaloupe,
manufacturers must comply with for maximum safety. It does not only watermelon, etc.), herbs, peanut butter, eggs including eggshell, and
cover final food products, but its scope also expands over animal cucumbers. This list will constantly be updated. There is also a list of
feeds, verification of foreign suppliers, shipment of food products, seafood products issued by the National Ocean Council Committee on
specification of preventive regulations on food fraud, and certification IUU Fishing and Seafood Fraud that demands a declaration of seafood
of third-party assessment. In other words, this law encapsulates the items’ places of origin as a countermeasure against seafood fraud.
entire procedure related to the attainment of food products.
Regulations on Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) These
Important Regulations under the Food Safety Modernization 4regulations concern the import of fresh fruits and vegetables into the
2 Act These are requirements and regulations that any overseas USA. They are overseen by the Animal and Plant Health Inspection
food exporter must know. They involve the regulatory conditions for Service (APHIS), the United States Department of Agriculture, which is
food and nutrition labeling, compulsory declaration of ingredients, a regulatory agency whose responsibility is to ensure that plant health
allergens, and maximum residue limits. conforms with the standard practices established by the International
2.1 Food and nutrition labeling: it is common knowledge that Plant Protection Convention (IPPC). Overseas operators who would like
the USA takes the matter of food safety seriously and frequently to export fresh fruits and vegetables to the USA shall comply with different
changes the regulatory measures for labeling. Overseas food sets of regulations depending on the risk levels of each specific plant
exporters should regularly check for updates on the information and type. All information is listed in the publicly accessible database, known
rules for food and nutrition labeling on the website [ as Fruit and Vegetables Import Requirements Database (FAVIR
food-labeling-nutrition]. Database), which relevant documents concerning plant quarantine before
2.2 Compulsory declaration of ingredients and allergens: the import can be downloaded.
the ingredients that must be displayed on the label are similar to those
required by many other countries because the USA is the origin of USDA National Organic Program (USDA N.O.P) This program is
this regulatory model. Some items, such as the colorant FD&C Yellow 5the US standard for organic farming practices, also known as
No. 6, may still be under pending consideration whether they need USDA Organic. It is recognized in most major economies worldwide,
to be displayed on the label. The ingredients will be divided according such as Canada, European countries, Japan, South Korea, and Thailand.
to their corresponding functional groups, such as sweetener, stabilizing Interested food operators can check the details of certified assessment
agent, and humectant. The details of labeling requirements are also agencies and standard facilities on the USDA website. In addition, the
published in the format of Q&A, which facilitates easier comprehension information concerning the import procedure for organic agricultural
for interested parties. products, along with permitted and prohibited substances according to
2.3 Chemical residues: information regarding chemical residues function contexts, can be obtained here. This regulation comprises all
is available on the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) website. the details about approved substances and usage methods sorted by
The origin and importance of pesticide residue inspection are substance groups and usage purposes.
published and categorized according to plant types with maximum The USA places a high priority on all types of food products, including
residue limits. This information is stored in the website’s database in imported foods from partner countries. Hence, various laws and
which usage instruction is provided. Names can be typed into the regulations have been issued to guarantee the highest level of hygiene
website’s search engine to obtain desired information conveniently. for the best interest of American public health. If all constraints are strictly
The website is accessible via [ adhered to, the compliant food exporters may benefit from an exemption
tolerances/food-and-feed-commodity-vocabulary]. of certain rules by using the Green Lane. This specially designated import
channel allows qualified partner countries with good records to bypass
specific complicated or time-consuming import procedures. These
regulations, furthermore, can constantly be changed to better address
ever-changing situations where immediate enforcement can help avoid
or minimize any potential damage.
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