Page 54 - FoodFocusThailand No.205 April 2023
P. 54


             Table 1 The sources of NIAS in various types of food contact materials
                   Method                   Analyzed properties                          Application
              Shearing test    -  Maximal shearing force                 Comparison of meat analogs and real meat pre-pared in sous-vide
                               -  Texture index
              Puncture         Penetration force                         Effect of binding agents on sausage analog quality
              Texture Profile  Texture index (springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, hardness,   Examinations of the extrusion parameter influence
              Microscopy (Light,   Microstructure and anisotropy         Examinations of extrusion parameter influence and blend ratios in
              scanning electron, laser                                   feed
              X-ray microtomography  Structure porosity (air in-corporation)  Blend comparisons
              Fourier infrared  Protein secondary structure              Influences of processing parameters and feed

            describe the fiber formation to confirm the similarity with the   and processed in fibrous formation according to equation
            original product. Although a high-resolution camera can capture   (1). The fluorescence polarization indicates the structural
            the structure, it has limitations in the sample preparation step,   change in meat analog. If the sample has a high polarization
            and visual examination does not provide an accurate numeric   value, it indicates that the sample has changed its structure
            index comparison between products.                    from being a batter to a more fibrous sample as it emerges
               Most plant-based meats contain soy protein, pea protein,   from the die, which shows good fiber alignment.
            wheat gluten, and modified starch in an appropriate ratio and
            are formed in a twin screw extruder under high moisture
            conditions in the range of 60-72%. Under this condition, this
            plant protein can form a fibrous structure similar to chicken
            breast meat. It is because the operation of the extruder utilizes
            a combination of kneading, mixing, shearing, heating, and   P is the degree of polarization
            forming. The raw material in the barrel receives mechanical   I   is  the  fluorescence  intensity  measured  when  the
            force from the friction of the rotating screw inside and heat   polarizer (P ) is at 0° with the polarizer (P )
            energy can change the raw material into dough and cook it into   I  is the fluorescence intensity measured when the
            a gel. The proteins were denatured, unfolded, and rearranged   polarizer (P ) is at 90° with the polarizer (P )
            during the movement to the die, resulting in a fibrous structure   The fluorescence spectroscopy method can identify the
            and promoting a better appearance and taste of the product.   difference between fibrous and normal structures. Therefore,
            The degree of fiber formation in the meat analog was analyzed   it can be used as a guideline to create meat analogs from
            by using illumination from a light source (LED) at a wavelength   plant proteins that are close to the original product and
            of 375 nm. The excitation light was collimated by a lens and   convince consumers to accept plant-based food.
            polarized by a polarizer. This light will stimulate the molecules
            within a sample to cause absorption, and it emits fluorescent
            light at a wavelength of 540 nm. The fluorescence light from
            the sample passed through another polarizer, was collected
            by a fiber probe, and detected by a spectrometer as follows in
            figure 1.

                    Figure 1 Fluorescence polarization measurements  Figure 2 The typical raw fluorescence spectrum from extruded products

               A typical spectrum is shown in Figure 2. The peak at 375
             nm is from the excitation light. The fluorescence emission is
             rather  broadband  at  540  nm. The  signal  intensity  when   More Information       Service Info C009
             molecules released energy to the ground state was recorded

             54 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  APR   2023

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