Page 37 - FoodFocusThailand No.208 JULY 2023
P. 37

                                                                                                   SMART PRODUCTI
                    complexes,  called  tea  cream,  that   temperature and optimal at 30 – 40°C with a
                    intensively occur at low-temperature   short brewing time of 2 hours . While only a
                    processes and storage conditions. The   short time for heat treatment is needed to
                    presence of tea cream resulted in    inactivate the enzyme. So, they are not only
                    increased turbidity that brings changes   for making a good product for consumers
                    in product quality during the shelf-life   and effective production for manufacturers,
                    time. Tannase can hydrolyze tea cream   but they also provide an environmentally
                    to lower molecular weight compounds,   friendly  solution  that  benefits  everyone.
                    reducing turbidity and increasing cold   Hence, do you agree that enzyme is one of
                    water solubility. Accordingly, it can be   the key successes of cold brew coffee and
                    used has  been  used to avoid  the   tea production?
                    aggregation of macromolecules and the
                    formation of precipitates during storage .
                       Laccase can be used to intensify the
                    color and flavor of the tea extract to make   More Information       Service Info C006
                    the product more visually appealing to
                    consumers. The oxidation step involves
                    converting the colorless catechins to a
                    complex mixture of yellow and orange to
                    dark-brown substances and producing a
                    large number of aromatic volatile
                    compounds.  The colorful oxidation
                    products  include  theaflavins  and
                    thearubigins.  Theaflavins  comprise
                    several  well-defined  catechin
                    condensation products.
                       β-glucosidase is an enzyme that can
                    be used to enhance the aroma of coffee
                    or  tea.  β-glucosidase  reacts  with  the
                    substrate and hydrolyzes glycosidic
                    bonds to release its natural aroma and
                    antioxidants. β-glucosidase is well-known
                    for enhancing tea’s aroma by hydrolyzing
                    the glycoside and releasing various free
                    volatile compounds .
                       As mentioned above, these specialty
                    enzymes  are  highly  recommended
                    for coffee and tea production. These
                    enzymes are practical at room

                     เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     1   Lin Sheng-Dun, Yang Joan-Hwa, Hsieh
                       Yun-Jung, Liu En-Hui, Mau Jeng-Leun.
                       (2014) Effect of different brewing methods
                       on quality of green tea. J. Food Process.
                       Preserv. 38, 1234–1243
                     2   Monobe, M., Ema, K., Tokuda, Y.,
                       Maeda-Yamamoto. M. (2010) Effect of the
                       Epigallocatechin Gallate/Epigallocatechin
                       ratio in a green tea (Camellia sinensis L.)
                       extract of different extraction temperatures
                       and its effect on IgA production in mice.
                       Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 74(12),
                     3   Hoseyn, F., Alireza, F., Shabnam, R. (2020)
                       The effect of caffeine on health and
                       exercise performance with a cold brew
                       coffee approach: A scoping review.
                       Nutr. and Food Sci Res., 7(2), 1-12
                     4   Murugesh, C.S., Subramanian, R.
                       Applications of enzymes in processing
                       green tea beverages:
                       Impact on antioxidants. In Processing and
                       Impact on Antioxidants in Beverages. 1st
                       Ed., Victor Preedy, 99-108, London,
                       Academic Press, 2014
                                                                                                  JUL  2023 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  37

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