Page 45 - FoodFocusThailand No.208 JULY 2023
P. 45

                                                                                                         STRATEGIC R&D

                     Opportunities for Development

                     of CBD Beverages and

                     Food Supplements

                     Businesses and industries associated with cannabidiol (CBD) products from hemp are remarkably
                     flourishing, especially in the US market whose total value is predicted to reach 16 billion US dollars within
                     2025. The most popular products with CBD extract are food, beverage, toothpick, and mouth spray.
                     Consumers of CBD-added products commonly expect calming effects for anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia,
                     and depression, respectively.

                        Cannabidiol (CBD) is one compound out of approximately   Claims on Health Benefits of CBD
                     100 cannabinoids naturally found in Cannabis, including   The most common health claims of CBD-based health
                     marijuana and hemp. While CBD does not have intoxicating   products in the US market include relief of anxiety, depression,
                     properties,  tetrahydrocannabinol  or  THC  does  cause   traumatic stress, and insomnia. There is currently just one
                     intoxication despite some positive health effects. According   approved  benefit  of  CBD  that  the  US  Food  and  Drug
                     to a 1990’s study, cannabinoids were found to yield   Administration permitted to be included in the medicine
                     stimulating effects on the balance of the recently discovered   registration in 2018: treatment of one type of pediatric
                     endocannabinoid system as well as positive effects on health   epilepsy induced by brain electrical signal abnormality. At
                     and medical treatments.                             present, many ongoing research projects are looking into

                                                                                                  JUL  2023 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  45

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