Page 46 - FoodFocusThailand No.208 JULY 2023
P. 46


                                                                          Thai Regulations on CBD Quantity in
                                                                          Food and Drink Products
                                                                          The notification of the Ministry of Public Health
                                                                          (No. 439), published in the Royal Gazette on the
                                                                          21st  of  October  of  B.E.2565  (AD  2022),  Re:
                                                                          Food Products Containing Cannabidiol (No.2)
                                                                          classifies  CBD-containing  food  products  as
                                                                          specific-controlled food. The amount of CBD added
                                                                          must not exceed the established maximum limits,
                                                                          yield any medical effect, nor cause interaction
                                                                          between  said  food  product  and  medicine.  In
                                                                          addition, these products must contain the amount
                                                                          of THC that does not cause any health risk to
                                                                          consumers. The quantities of CBD and THC are
                                                                          limited to 75 mg/liter and 0.15 mg/liter, respectively.
                                                                          Addition of CBD into mineral drinks or beverages
                                                                          containing tea, coffee with natural or synthetic
                                                                          caffeine is prohibited. Meanwhile, the maximum
                               Figure 1: CBD chemical structure           daily consumption of CBD in food supplements is
                                                                          prescribed at 55 mg/day, and the amount of THC
                                                                          in food supplements must not exceed 2 mg/kg or
            the prospects of developing CBD as medication, such as painkiller, anti-
            inflammatory drug, and anticancer medicine. In addition, a study published   2 mg/liter. The calculation for THC amount shall
                                                                          be based on the total THC, which is the total sum
            in Neuropsychopharmacology Journal (2011)  reveals that CBD can alleviate
            anxiety and nervousness in students with public speaking. Regarding the   of Δ 9-THC, Δ 8-THC and (0.877 x THCA).
                                                                             The regulations of maximum limits for CBD
            calming effects on insomnia and depression, several studies have confirmed
            positive results in human subjects. Meanwhile, research on CBD’s stress-
            relieving properties are still ongoing.

            Ideal Amount of CBD for Safe Consumption                                            Figure  2:  A  British
            Consumption of pure CBD isolate is considered safe. The Science Advisory            beverage  with  mixed
            Committee on Health Products Containing Cannabis of Health Canada                   ginger,  elderflower,  and
            reveals that, according to its report conducted in 2022, the consumption of         mint flavors containing
            CBD can be considered safe as long as it does not exceed 20-200 mg/day              15 mg of CBD/250 ml
            in the form of capsule or by sublingual administration. The consumption,  
            however, should not continue further than 30 consecutive days, and pregnant         news/  13824123/cannabis-
            or breastfeeding women must not consume CBD at all.                                 infused-energy-drink-
            Forms of CBD Products Good for Consumption
            Oil soluble CBD usually has some limitations regarding its absorption into
            the bloodstream because the absorption rate is difficult to control. Hence,
            new and more absorbable forms of CBD products have been developed,
            such as CBD sublingual drops and water-soluble CBD, the latter of which             Figure  3:  A  Japanese
            is gaining more popularity as it can be absorbed into the bloodstream within        beverage  with  20  mg  of
            30 minutes after consumption. Since then, more water-soluble CBD                    CBD/250 ml
            products, such as beverages, snacks, gummies, and gel, have started
            coming out into the market. These products are subject to regulatory      
            measures on food safety and are prohibited from displaying any medical              drinks-  now-available-in-
            or health claims for disease treatment. Also, an exact quantity of CBD must         japanese-vending-machines
            be displayed on the label.
            CBD Beverages and Business Opportunities
            The CBD beverage market has expanded significantly in the USA since   added  in  beverages  and  food  supplements
            2018, reaching the total value of 901.8 million US dollars with the annual   stipulated by the Thai Food and Drug Administration
            growth rate of 45 percent. Its value is projected to soar to 5.8 billion US   have paved way to the development of CBD-added
            dollars in 2025. The research and development of water-soluble CBD in   food products that are safe for health and
            2017-2018 yielded two major registered US patents: US9585924B1 and   consumption. This is considered a good opportunity
            US20180020699A1. Furthermore, the legally permitted amount of CBD in   for food operators in the sector to help improve the
            one drinking unit is established differently in each country: 15 mg in the UK   Thai economy as well.
            and 20 mg in Japan and Canada. In the wellness sector, CBD is also used
            to promote health benefits, such as stress relief and burning improvement
            for sport lovers.

                                                                             More Information       Service Info C008
             46 FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  JUL  2023

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