Page 93 - FoodFocusThailand No.208 JULY 2023
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                     เอกสารอ้างอิง / References                         Natural Materials Used in the Production of Edible
                     •  Hosseini, S. F., Mousavi, Z., & McClements, D. J. (2023).   Packaging
                     Beeswax: A review on the recent progress in the development   Most edible films and coatings are made from natural materials
                     of superhydrophobic films/coatings and their applications in   or bio-polymers, otherwise known as renewable resources. They
                     fruits preservation. Food Chemistry, 424, 1-13.    can be classified into 3 main groups: polysaccharides, proteins,
                     •  Gupta, R. K., Guha, P., & Srivastav, P. P. (2022). Natural   and fat. Studies have revealed that each type of natural material
                     polymers in bio-degradable/edible film: A review on environ-  has its own unique properties and limitations, as following table
                     mental concerns, cold plasma technology and nanotechnology   (Page 92).
                     application on food packaging- A recent trends. Food Chem-  As mentioned above, natural raw materials have a low
                     istry Advances, 1, 1-15.
                     •  Du, M., Lu, W., Zhang, Y., Mata, A., & Fang, Y. (2021). Nat-  production cost and the ability to be shaped easily. It is also
                     ural polymer-sourced interpenetrating network hydrogels:   impervious to gas or water vapor, as well as being biocompatible
                     Fabrication, properties, mechanism and food applications.   and readily biodegradable. It does not leave any packaging
                     Trends in Food Science & Technology, 116, 342-356.  residue after each use and does not leave environmental toxic
                     •  Jayakody, M. M., Vanniarachchy, M. P. G., & Wijesekara, I.   residues. These are clear advantages of edible packaging
                     (2022). Seaweed derived alginate, agar, and carrageenan   compared to the petroleum-based plastic packaging commonly
                     based edible coatings and films for the food industry: a review.   used in food packaging.
                     Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization, 16(2),
                     1195-1227.                                            The development of biopolymer-based edible packaging,
                     •  Olivas, G. I., & Barbosa-Cánovas, G. V. (2008). Alginate–cal-  therefore, is another viable option to solve environmental issues
                     cium films: Water vapor permeability and mechanical properties   that have caused several packaging entrepreneurs to attempt
                     as affected by plasticizer and relative humidity. LWT - Food   innovating consumable packaging sourced from natural materials
                     Science and Technology, 41(2), 359-366.            to replace plastic packaging derived from petrochemicals in the
                     •  Dai, L., Zhang, J., & Cheng, F. (2020). Cross-linked starch-  food packaging industry and help reduce the problem of non-
                     based edible coating reinforced by starch nanocrystals and its   degradable  plastic  waste.  Ultimately,  if  consumers  do  not
                     preservation effect on graded Huangguan pears. Food Chem-
                     istry, 311, 1-9.                                   consume it, these edible packaging can eventually degrade like
                     •  Valdés, A., Garcia-Serna, E., Martínez-Abad, A., Vilaplana,   food without leaving any unwanted residue.
                     F., Jimenez, A., & Garrigós, M. C. (2020). Gelatin-Based Anti-
                     microbial Films Incorporating Pomegranate (Punica granatum
                     L.) Seed Juice by-Product. Molecules, 25(1), 1-20.
                     •  Picos-Corrales, L. A., Morales-Burgos, A. M., Ruelas-Leyva,   More Information   Service Info C017
                     J. P., Crini, G., García-Armenta, E., Jimenez-Lam, S. A.,
                     Ayon-Reyna, L. E., Rocha-Alonzo, F., Calderon-Zamora, L.,
                     Osuna-Martinez, U., Calderon-Castro, A., De-Paz-Arroyo, G.,
                     & Inzunza-Camacho, L. N. (2023). Chitosan as an Outstanding
                     Polysaccharide Improving Health-Commodities of Humans and
                     Environmental Protection. Polymers, 15(3), 1-27.
                     •  Karbowiak, T., Debeaufort, F., Champion, D., & Voilley, A.
                     (2006). Wetting properties at the surface of iota-carrageen-
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                     294(2), 400-410.
                     •  Yildirim-Yalcin, M., Tornuk, F., & Toker, O. S. (2022). Recent
                     advances in the improvement of carboxymethyl cellulose-based
                     edible films. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 129, 179-
                     •  Lu, Y., Luo, Q., Chu, Y., Tao, N., Deng, S., Wang, L., & Li, L.
                     (2022). Application of Gelatin in Food Packaging: A Review.
                     Polymers, 14(3), 1-19.
                     •  Swain, S. N., Biswal, S. M., Nanda, P. K., & Nayak, P. L.
                     (2004). Biodegradable Soy-based Plastics: Opportunities and
                     Challenges. Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 12(1),
                     •  Saucedo-Pompa, S., Jasso-Cantu, D., Ventura-Sobrevilla, J.,
                     SÁEnz-Galindo, A., RodrÍGuez-Herrera, R., & Aguilar, C. N.
                     (2007). EFFECT OF CANDELILLA WAX WITH NATURAL ANTI-
                     FRUITS. Journal of Food Quality, 30(5), 823-836.
                     •  Mellinas, C., Valdés, A., Ramos, M., Burgos, N., Garrigós,
                     M. d. C., & Jiménez, A. (2016). Active edible films: Current state
                     and future trends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 133(2),
                     •  Chavan, P., Lata, K., Kaur, T., Rezek Jambrak, A., Sharma,
                     S., Roy, S., Sinhmar, A., Thory, R., Pal Singh, G., Aayush, K., &
                     Rout, A. (2023). Recent advances in the preservation of post-
                     harvest fruits using edible films and coatings: A comprehensive
                     review. Food Chemistry, 418, 1-12.

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