Page 97 - FoodFocusThailand No.208 JULY 2023
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                     and  B-Corp  certifications  and  specializes  in  the   vegan-friendly and encompass all essential amino acids. The
                     processing  of  insects  to  create  premium,  valuable   company’s mission is to develop sustainable solutions to address
                     ingredients suitable for pets, fish, plants, and human   global protein consumption and mitigate issues surrounding food
                     consumption. Operating from advanced, purpose-built   availability. The production process employed by ODS Protein is
                     farms, it is known to offer a sustainable, long-term organic   meticulously controlled, allowing for precise quality management.
                     solution to promote the consumption of protein and plants.   Moreover, it is easily scalable, and the process can utilize food
                     Leveraging  cutting-edge  proprietary  technology,   waste from the food industry, effectively upcycling food scraps that
                     protected by 377 patents across 44 categories, the   are typically thrown away, which also helps reduce the use of natural
                     company now operates fully automated vertical farms for   resources.
                     the cultivation of lesser and yellow mealworms.
                                                                     Eagle Genomics: Data Management Solutions
                     MiOUM: Delightful & Healthy Snacks              Eagle Genomics innovates at the intersection of biology, data
                     MiOUM is a start-up born out of the collaboration of   sciences, and bioinformatics to develop technical solutions and
                     Guillaume, Robin, and Cédric, who all shared a common   enterprise information architecture (EIA) for the microbiomics and
                     vision of creating delightful snacks. As the trio delved   genomics eras. The company’s knowledge discovery platform, the
                     deeper into their product development journey, they   e[datascientist], uses machine learning to transform raw data into
                     discovered the importance of incorporating wholesome   actionable insights that drive scientific decision-making, enabling
                     ingredients. After that, their business concept always   companies to make more credible scientific claims and enhancing
                     revolves around that, and they finally create healthy   R&D  processes  and  brand  perception.  Eagle’s  smart  data
                     cookies utilizing high-quality raw materials while also   management solutions and unique expertise give access to insight
                     refining  the  formula  to  eliminate  the  need  for  food   that enables a quick assessment of product potential, mitigates
                     additives.  This  has  led  to  MiOUM  achieving  an   risks, and reduces time to market at many global life sciences
                     extraordinary Nutri- score of “A”, setting a new standard   companies across industries, including food and functional food,
                     for this particular type of product. The company has plans   pharmaceutical, biotechnology, crop science, animal health, etc.
                     to expand its offerings to include additional healthy   In addition to the aforementioned companies, Food Valley
                     brownies and other snacks in the future and establish   Netherlands serves as a hub for numerous other enterprises at the
                     itself as the leading global enterprise in the plant-based   forefront of food innovation and technology. This dynamic ecosystem
                     snack industry.                                 brings together diverse stakeholders, including solution providers
                                                                     and sustainable producers, all committed to driving advancements
                     Sanygran: Plant-based Ingredients               in  the  food  industry. That’s  why  the  Netherlands  has  gained
                     Sanygran,  a  specialist  in  plant-based  products  and   recognition as a leading model of knowledge and innovation in
                     ingredients, first introduced Legumeat  to the market.   agriculture.  For Thailand,  a  nation  renowned  for  agricultural
                     This innovative blend comprises soy protein, beans, rice,   production, this valuable knowledge might as well be adapted to
                     and other grains, carefully crafted using expertise in the   suit our diverse topography and agricultural resources. We could
                     dry extrusion process for meat analogs to ensure high   easily enhance our presence in the world market by leveraging the
                     nutritional  value. The  company  also  employs  high-  expertise gained from the Netherlands and showcasing the strengths
                     moisture extrusion techniques (HME), resulting in a   of Thai agricultural products.
                     product that boasts a moist and fibrous texture and serves
                     as a compelling alternative to both meat and fish. It also
                     proudly utilizes the Veggian technology developed by the     More Information        Service Info C018
                     technology center of La Rioja, Ctic-Cita, which has more
                     than  20  years  of  experience  developing  texturized   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     products using diverse protein sources. This technology
                     enables Sanygran to produce finely minced meat with a
                     particle size similar to minced meat already cooked and
                     containing a high concentration of vegetable protein.
                     Importantly, the meat is free from allergens, additives,
                     and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), making it
                     an excellent sustainable alternative to traditional meat
                     analogs. In addition to those benefits, the technology also
                     leads  to  reduced  cooking  times,  improved  nutrient   ข้้อมููลเพิ่ิ�มูเติิมู / Additional Information
                     retention, and enhanced energy efficiency throughout     Next40 เป็็นการรับรองบริษััทสตาร์ทอัป็ 40 บริษััทท่�สามารถสร้างผลกำาไรให้้บริษััท
                     the production process.                             มากกว่่า 100 ล้านยููโรในระยูะเว่ลา 3 ป็ีท่�ผ่านมา
                                                                         Next40 is a list of the 40 top-performing start-ups that have raised more
                     ODS Protein: Fermented Alternative Proteins         than €100 million over the past three years.
                     ODS  Protein  produces alternative  proteins using  a   ขอขอบคุุณข้อมูลจากสถานเอกอัคุรราชทูตเนเธอร์แลนด์์ ป็ระจำาป็ระเทศไทยู
                     fermentation process, resulting in a formulation and   Special thanks to the Embassy of the Netherlands in Thailand for supporting
                     texture that can be incorporated as ingredients into     information
                     various food products. These alternative proteins are     thailand

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