Page 101 - FoodFocusThailand No.208 JULY 2023
P. 101


                      October 2023 is all about iba and the innovative drive,  iba Up Close: Live Demonstrations, Exhibition and
                   variety, quality, international market relevance, new contacts,  Stollen certificate
                   and knowledge transfer that it offers. There will be 5 days,  Visitors can experience and seek advice on the production chain from
                   10 halls, and 1 international meeting point for industry  start to finish through live demonstrations of products and machines
                   experts. From 2023 onwards, iba.TOPICS focuses on food  across 10 halls and another experience, iba.UIBC.CUP in hall A4.
                   trends, artisan bakery, health and sustainability, digitalisation,  Moreover, visitors can follow the world-class exhibition and look over
                   turnkey solutions, and quality management. These topics  the experts’ shoulders as they prepare their bakery’s artworks. Those
                   highlight the industry’s most significant trends, unite supply  who need to produce their own skilled bakery crafts should head along
                   and demand, and offer future direction.          to the iba.ACADEMY where participants learn how to make traditional
                                                                    German stollen and pretzels and are awarded a certificate at the end.
                   iba Programme Highlights for 2023
                      The iba.SPEAKERS AREA will become the hub for  iba 2023 and iba.BAKERY TOURS: Purchase Tickets
                   specialist presentations, discussions, and networks with an  Now
                   international focus.                             The world’s leading trade fair for the baking and confectionery industry
                      The iba.FORUM will provide interesting information on  is inviting the global bakery industry to gather at the Fairground Munich
                   all aspects of the national baking and confectionery industry. from 22 to 26 October 2023. Visitors can now purchase their iba 2023
                      The  iba.UIBC.CUP  of  Bakers  2023  and  the  iba.           tickets and benefit from attractive online prices at
                   UIBC.CUP of Confectioners 2023 will be competed and  en/tickets. Once again, visitors will be offered the chance to go on
                   awarded.                                         bakery tours in Munich and the surrounding regions during iba. The
                      The iba.START UP AREA another new feature that the  iba.BAKERY TOURS are organised by the Landesinnungsverband
                   next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs  will  für das bayerische Bäckerhandwerk (Bavarian bakers’ guild) and can
                   demonstrate how to revolutionise the bakery landscape.   be registered in advance at
                      Renowned experts will supplement the programme  and-bakery-tours/.
                   with keynote speeches on topics affecting the industry.

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