Page 31 - FoodFocusThailand No.209 AUGUST 2023
P. 31

                     “Personal Hygiene”

                     is the Fundamental Issue

                     in Quality Food Production

                     Safety and hygiene management are essential considerations and no compromise in the food industry.
                     Food manufacturers must set preventive measures to prevent contamination in every food processing step
                     to ensure the highest quality and safe products for consumers.

                        When it comes to the food processing industry,   to wear and maintain uniforms correctly. The case studies of
                     quality, efficiency, and contamination reduction are the   contamination from workers into food products that happened
                     primary safety priorities, whether for small, medium-  in the factories should be one of the topics in each training
                     sized, or large enterprises.  They must have       session.
                     comprehensive regulations for safety. Personal hygiene   Personal hygiene is part of the GHP standard that requires
                     is a fundamental aspect of safety that manufacturers   a policy from management and appropriately supporting
                     must emphasize, and employees must be trained      resources so employees can work conveniently and maintain
                     regularly. The potential for contamination is a hazard   the safety standards in the food factory.
                     that is mostly unique to the food processing industry,
                     and it is often contaminated by employees working in
                     the production lines, such as dust, foreign matter, hair,
                     etc. The proper worker's clothes specifically designed       More Information        Service Info C003
                     can  reduce  the  potential  for  contamination.
                     The principles requirements of working apparel
                     according to the Good Hygiene Practices (GHP) are
                     as follow.
                        • Workers' Uniforms: They must be designed and
                     suitably sized for each operator to work comfortably.
                     The workers' clothes should be produced from unique
                     fabrics  that  do not  cause  contamination  of  food
                     products, including not affecting their health; for
                     example, lint-free, anti-static, and dust filters to prevent
                     dust or fibers from the fabric from contamination in food
                     products. In addition, materials with water-reflection
                     properties that are easy to clean and maintain hygiene
                     should be considered. The hood used to cover workers'
                     hair must be a specialized hood that can gather hair or
                     eyebrows completely to prevent hair or eyebrows from
                     falling into the product.
                        • Laundry system in the factory: Food factories
                     must have laundry standards for workers' clothes—
                     appropriate detergent in the food industry must be
                     carefully selected to keep the clothes clean, safe, and
                     ready to use.
                        • Verification of the cleanliness and efficiency
                     of the laundry process: Inspectors should always
                     check the cleanliness of work clothes, including
                     verification to confirm the efficiency of the laundry
                     process either inside the factory or by permitted external
                        •  Employee  training:  The  company  must
                     organize training sessions on personal hygiene
                     practices to communicate well with employees on how

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