Page 138 - FoodFocusThailand No.210 SEPTEMBER 2023
P. 138


              Mineral Water: “Don’t Recycle, Refill”              convey its environmentally friendly packaging by changing
              A particular company  has developed a water filtration system   it to aluminum instead of plastic bottles. Aluminum is
              that retains minerals in drinking water (Mineral Preserve)   environmentally friendly, lightweight, and 100 % recyclable,
              called “RYNN Water”, which can be installed in restaurants   which helps save energy in reproduction. Recycling 1
              and hotels without needing to buy drinking water from   kilogram of aluminum can reduce CO  emissions by 3.71
              outsourcing. “RYNN Water” is a nano water filtration system   kilograms and saves up to 95 percent of energy and
              with a filter resolution of about 0.001-0.002 microns, which   resources in reproduction. Nowadays, canned drinking
              is used to replace the reverse osmosis (RO) water system,   water  has  gained  more  attention  from  both  producers
              thereby preventing and inhibiting the growth of microorganisms.   and consumers. A start-up company in America, Liquid
              However, there are still minerals that will be in the body. This   Death, has sold over 20 billion baht in canned drinking
              differs from an RO system with a filter with a resolution of   water sales by offering the brand’s outstanding features
              up to 0.001 microns, which must be used in conjunction with   in the fight against the use of plastic bottles. In Thailand,
              water pressure. As a result, the water is so pure that almost   several  brands  are  starting  to  sell  aluminum-canned
              no minerals remain.                                 drinking water, such as Greenery Water, Thailand’s first
                                                                  aluminum-canned drinking water brand or big brand like
              Organic Water: “Air to Water Technology”            Crystal has also launched “Crystal Can” in 2021, marking
              An innovative organic water production system from world-  the  first  time  that  Thailand’s  leading  drinking  water
              class  water production under Atlantis H O brand produces   brand  has  sold  drinking  water  in  aluminum  canned
              water by extracting and rearranging water molecules floating   packaging.
              in ozone inside the Air Molecular Condenser to allow water
              in the air to condense into water droplets within 15 minutes,   Bag-in-box: “New Water Packaging Solutions”
              mimicking the natural water production process, thus helping   Bag-in-Box packaging consists of a flexible bag, which is
              to reduce production time. It also goes through a filter with   the  part  directly  in  contact  with  the  product  contained
              an  eight  steps  standard  water  purification  process.                           within the box to help maintain its shape and sturdiness
              It eliminates germs with ultraviolet light, along with the   by  using  materials  such  as  EVA  (Ethylene  Vinyl
              process of Mineralization to get high-quality organic drinking   Acetate), Metalized Film, and Low-Density Polyethylene
              water free from various pathogens without going through   (LDPE).  Bag-in-Box  is  used  as  a  replacement  for
              chemical processes. Going through the airborne organic   returnable PET/PE drinking water tanks used for homes and
              water machine can replace the production of plastic water   office water coolers. It is the latest solution developed to
              bottles and the energy required to transport 164,000 water   meet the growing demand for Bag-in-Box water, with the
              bottles. In comparison, the water reproduction from the air   advantage that it does not require to be returned like a PET/
              is of high-quality than the water produced by the purifier. This   PE water tank; it eliminates the burden of handling and
              innovation can produce water in every area without using a   transportation.
              water supply system and also reduces the consumption of   Manufacturers in the drinking water industry can improve
              plastic water bottles, often contaminated with microplastics.  the quality of drinking water to be safe and environmentally
                                                                  friendly in line with the Sustainable Development Goals
              Aluminum Can: “100% Recyclable”                     (SDGs)  item  6.1  on  clean  water  and  sanitation,  which
              The  La  Baguette  has  designed  a  drinking  can  with               wants everybody to have access to safe drinking water at
              beautiful patterns for consumers to experience something   an affordable price by 2030. Corresponding to consumer
              new from taking pictures of a drinking can. In addition to its   surveys  from  Innova  Market  Insights  found  that  66
              attractiveness,  manufacturers,  and  designers  want  to         percent of consumers agreed that the industry, government,
                                                                  and waste management companies must work together
                                                                  to  improve  packaging  recyclability,  and  57  percent  of
                                                                  consumers agreed that if a familiar brand has changed its
                                                                  packaging style, they will be able to attract the attention of
                                                                  these  consumers.  Thus,  this  is  a  good  advocate  for
                                                                  manufacturers to change their production methods and
                                                                  packaging designs in line with the needs of today’s
                                                                  consumers and will also have a long-term positive effect on
                                                                  the next generation.

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