Page 14 - FoodFocusThailand No.210 SEPTEMBER 2023
P. 14

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                   VEGAPULS 42                                      SIGNAL OUTPUT
                                                                    Three-wire: IO-Link, PNP/NPN, 4 ... 20 mA (active)                                             ALWAYS THE RIGHT FIT
                   Non-contact level measurement and point level with
                   radar in applications with liquids and bulk solids  PROCESS FITTINGS
                                                                    Standard thread and universal connection                                                       Standardised hygienic adapters
                                                                    for hygienic adapter
                                                                                                                                                                   for all compact IO-Link sensors
                                                                    PROCESS TEMPERATURE
                                                                    -40 °C ... +130 °C/15 min @ +150 °C steam
                                                                    PROCESS PRESSURE                                                                               The standardised hygienic adapters are suitable for all
                                                                    -1 ... +16 bar                                                                                 compact IO-Link sensors. They have all the important
                                                                                                                                                                   approvals for the food and pharmaceutical industry
                                                                    VEGA Tools App, PACTware/DTM, IODD                                                               worldwide, such as 3A, FDA and EHEDG.

                   THE VEGA PORTFOLIO                                                 MEASUREMENT

                   FOR FACTORY AUTOMATION                                                                                                    ALWAYS VISIBLE
   M                                                                                                                                         360° status display for level, point level and pressure
                                                                                                                                             There is no easier way to directly view the operating  In one glance you can easily see how your process
   MY              POINT LEVEL DETECTION                                                                                                     status. Thanks to a bright 360° illuminated ring, the  is running and if the sensor is operating reliably:
                                                                                                                                             display can be seen immediately from any direction  The ideal combination of simple status recognition
                                                                                                                                             and is easily recognisable, even in daylight.      and maximum process certainty.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Features standard
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        operating status visuals

                   VEGASWING 51  | 53            VEGAPOINT 10 | 20 | 30               VEGABAR 10 | 20 | 30
                   Vibrating level switch        Capacitive level switch              Pressure sensors with metallic
                   for liquids                   for liquids and bulk solids          or ceramic measuring cell

                   SIGNAL OUTPUT                 SIGNAL OUTPUT                        SIGNAL OUTPUT                                             See your process status
                   IO-Link, transistor,          Three-wire: IO-Link, PNP/NPN         Two-wire: 4 ... 20 mA                                     colours easily and directly
                   contactless switch                                                 Three-wire: IO-Link, PNP/NPN,
                                                 PROCESS FITTINGS                     4 ... 20 mA (active)
                   PROCESS FITTINGS              Standard thread and
                   Standard thread and universal   universal connection               PROCESS FITTINGS                                                         Status of multiple             Signalling in the
                   connection for hygienic adapter  for hygienic adapter              Standard thread and universal                                          measurement points               event of a process
                                                                                      connection for hygienic adapter                                                                                                   Visualise the level status   B    5    5   5
                   PROCESS TEMPERATURE           PROCESS TEMPERATURE                                                                                                at a glance               malfunction
                   -40 °C ... +150 °C            -40 °C ... +115 °C/                  PROCESS TEMPERATURE                                                                                                               at up to 5 dierent points
                                                 1 h @ +135 °C steam                  -40 °C ... +130 °C/                                                                                                               in colours of your choice
                   PROCESS PRESSURE                                                   1 h @ +135 °C steam
                   -1 ... +64 bar                PROCESS PRESSURE
                                                 -1 ... +64 bar                       PROCESS PRESSURE
                                                                                      -1 ... +1000 bar                                       VEGA Instruments Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                             Tel.: +66 2700 9240       E-mail:
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