Page 38 - FoodFocusThailand No.210 SEPTEMBER 2023
P. 38


             Trends of Future Plant-based Food Market
             Sustainable  foods,  as  defined  by  the  Food  and Agriculture   ข้้อมููลเพิ่่�มูเติ่มู / Additional Information
             Organization (FAO), are foods that have minimal environmental     Redefine Meat บริิษััทผู้้�ผู้ลิิตอาหาริปริาศจากเนื้้�อสััตว์์ โดยใช้�
             impacts and maximize resource utilization. They are also nutritious,     เทคโนื้โลิยีการิพิิมพิ์อาหาริสัามมิติที�เป็นื้กริริมสัิทธิ์ิ�เฉพิาะจาก
             healthy, safe, affordable, and accessible to everyone. Therefore,     ปริะเทศอิสัริาเอลิ
             for consumers to accept plant-based foods, they must not only       Redefine Meat, the company from Israel offers animal free
             have a similar texture but also have comparable nutritional value     meat using proprietary 3D printing technology
             to animal meat products at an affordable price. Moreover, it is   2   Novameat บริิษััทสัตาริ์ทอัปด�านื้เทคโนื้โลิยีอาหาริของปริะเทศ
             important that plant-based foods have health benefits and be safe     สัเปนื้ ผู้้�พิัฒนื้าเนื้้�อสัเต็กจากเทคโนื้โลิยีการิพิิมพิ์อาหาริสัามมิติ
             to consume.                                                   Novameat, Spanish food tech startup develop a blue
                Clean labelling is becoming a major trend in the plant-based     3D-printed steak by 3D food printing
             food market and is an important issue for everyone involved in the   3   Mission Barns ผู้้�ผู้ลิิตอาหาริจากการิเพิาะเลิี�ยงเนื้้�อเย้�อเซลิลิ์เพิ้�อ
             plant-based food industry to adapt to. Due to the large number of     ผู้ลิิตเนื้้�อสัะอาดจากเซลิลิ์สััตว์์
             food additives and ingredients used in plant-based food production,       Mission Barns, producer of cell-cultured food intended to
             it has a significant impact on consumer purchasing decisions and     produce clean meat from animal cells.
             repeat purchases. Many manufacturers are now trying to adjust   4   Blue Ridge Bantam บริิษััทอาหาริด�านื้การิเพิาะเลิี�ยงเซลิลิ์ที�ม่�งเนื้�นื้
             their formulations and manufacturing processes to reduce the     การิว์ิจัยไปที�ไขมันื้แลิะกลิิ�นื้ริสัของสััตว์์ปีก
             number of food additives in order to move towards cleaner-label       Blue Ridge Bantam, the South’s first cultivated food company
             products. China’s food company , for example, developed chicken     focused on poultry fats and flavors
             from peanut, a clean-label plant-based chicken with high protein   5   Haofood Haofood ผู้้�ผู้ลิิตเนื้้�อไก�มังสัว์ิริัติช้ั�นื้นื้ำาจากถั่ั�ว์ลิิสัง
             and low sodium contents that is free from food additives such as       Haofood Haofood, the leading producer of vegan chicken
             preservatives, thickeners, water retention agents, MSG, artificial     made from peanuts
             flavors, and coloring agents. A food company in the  Philippines 6   6   WTH Foods บริิษััทผู้้�ผู้ลิิตเนื้้�อสััตว์์จากพิ้ช้ในื้ปริะเทศฟิิลิิปปินื้สั์แลิะ
             has successfully developed a clean-label and low-sodium plant-    สัิงคโปริ์
             based seafood product, fish-free tuna in black pepper and chili oil,       WTH Foods, plant-based meat company operating in the
             single-celled green algae, as a flavoring ingredient and a source
             of omega-3.                                                 Philippines and Singapore
                In  addition  to  food  companies,  several  food  ingredient     Fiberstar ผู้้�นื้ำาด�านื้นื้ว์ัตกริริมเสั�นื้ใยจากพิ้ช้ตริะก้ลิสั�ม
             manufacturers have launched clean ingredient products to help     (Citri-Fi  400 series)

             plant-based  food  manufacturers  replace  methylcellulose,  a     Fiberstar, the leader of innovative citrus fibers launched a line
             chemically modified cellulose, which is the primary hydrocolloid     of Citri-Fi 400 series
             commonly used in plant-based meat formulations. For example, a   8   Merit Food ผู้้�ผู้ลิิตโปริตีนื้ถั่ั�ว์แลิะโปริตีนื้จากคาโนื้ลิ�าด�ว์ยเทคโนื้โลิยี
             citrus fiber from an innovative biotechnology company in USA  has     ขั�นื้สั้งจากปริะเทศแคนื้าดา (Puratein  G)
             good water-holding and emulsification properties, thus providing a       Merit Food, a high-tech producer of pea and canola protein
             juicy meat analogue, a non-GMO canola protein from a functional     from Canada (Puratein  G)
             food company in Canada , and a non-GMO potato protein from a   9   Royal Avebe ผู้้�ผู้ลิิตแป้งมันื้ฝริั�งแลิะโปริตีนื้จากมันื้ฝริั�งจากปริะเทศ
             food ingredient company in the Netherlands . These proteins     เนื้เธิ์อริ์แลินื้ด์ (Solanic )
             provide emulsifying, binding, and thermal gelling properties that       Royal Avebe, a producer of potato starch and potato protein
             contribute to the meat-like texture of plant-based meat. However,     from the Netherlands (Solanic )
             those clean ingredients may not be able to replace methylcellulose
             as one-to-one. This is an issue that both food and ingredient   เอกสารอ้างอ่ง / References
             manufacturers have to further research and develop as long as   Ryu G. Extrusion cooking of high-moisture meat analogues.
             sensory  characteristics  are  the  primary  factor  in  consumers     In: Ganjyal GM editor. Extrusion cooking.
             purchasing plant-based foods, this is a challenging issue that both     Amsterdam: Elsevier Inc (2020). p. 205–24.
             food and ingredient manufacturers have to further investigate and     doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-815360-4.00007-9
             develop  in  order  to  make  plant-based  foods  safe,  healthy,   Samard, S.; Gu, B.Y.; Ryu, G.H. Effects of extrusion types, screw
             environmentally friendly, and sustainable.                  speed and addition of wheat gluten on physicochemical
                                                                         characteristics and cooking stability of meat analogues.
                                                                       J. Sci. Food Agric. 2019, 99, 4922–4931. doi: 0.1002/jsfa.9722
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