Page 65 - FoodFocusThailand No.211 OCTOBER 2023
P. 65


                     which may increase the risk of valve damage. For   inflammable area, high-temperature area, or area with machinery
                     control of flow rate, a rotary valve, such as ball valve   in operation. In some cases, actuators may be used for oversized
                     or globe valve, may be more feasible. In addition,   valves that are difficult to open and close or require frequent
                     environmental factors in operation areas should also   opening and closing. Furthermore, actuators can also help
                     be considered. To illustrate, the chosen valve must be   minimize human errors.
                     capable of resisting the pressure and temperature of   Flow rate controllers can directly increase the effectiveness
                     the flow, which also determines the valve’s thickness   of the manufacturing process and control of variables that require
                     and the suitability of the actuator’s design. Another   adjustment. Hence, they are jointly used with automation to
                     factor is fluid types, such as supercritical fluid, gas,   control production processes, reduce waste, and lower energy
                     wet  gas,  wet  steam,  vegetable  oil,  acid,  or  fluid   consumption in factories. In addition, they can also control fluid
                     containing chemical substances or solid particles in   flow’s direction and prevent leakage into gauges, thus minimizing
                     pipeline. These variables may cause decay in valves   pressure gauge damage from high-pressure surges that can
                     and other anti-leak components.                    occur during a brief period of time.
                                                                          Flow meters and controllers are essential equipment for
                     Common Problems of Industrial Valves               measurement, check, and control of manufacturing processes
                     Daily production capacity needs to be accounted for   in the food and beverage industry. Careful selection of adequate
                     to calculate the ideal flow rate, flow pattern, and flow   flow meters and controllers to match specific functional purposes
                     resistance of a valve, all of which will subsequently   is important as it can contribute to accurate measurement and
                     affect the choice of pumps for pumping and dispensing   reliable data. Consequently, the effectiveness of the production
                     processes. Common problems found in valves and     process will be enhanced along with the quality of products.
                     pipeline networks are as follows:
                        1) Water hammer issues may arise when the
                     opening or closing of a valve takes place in a sudden
                     manner or when a pump suddenly stops working. The
                     fluid’s kinetic energy will be converted into static head   More Information        Service Info C011
                     and crashing force, which will make an impact on the
                     valve or other parts of the pump. This phenomenon,
                     known  as  water  hammer,  can  be  prevented  by
                     installing a check valve or other accessory. Alternatively,
                     opening or closing the valve more slowly can also
                     alleviate the problem.
                        2) Cavitation can occur when a fluid traverses
                     through a flow control valve that is not fully opened,
                     thus reducing static head. The fluid with reduced
                     pressure will vaporize, creating small vapor bubbles
                     in the process. Cavitation commonly occurs in steam
                     condensate pipework where high temperature causes
                     water to vaporize easily. When the fluid moves away
                     from the valve, the vapor will collapse and emit shock
                     waves that can damage the equipment. This issue
                     can be solved by increasing the size of pipes behind
                     the valve to prevent the collapse of vapor.

                     Benefits of Flow Control Devices
                     There are many types of flow controllers, such as
                     actuators and valves, which can work compatibly with
                     one another as the main controlling devices of solid
                     and fluid flow, such as industrial gas and liquid. They
                     can be categorized according to control system types
                     or fuel types, such as pneumatic system, hydraulic
                     system, electrical system, mechanical system, thermal
                     system, hybrid system, and manual system. These
                     actuators are especially useful for a case where a
                     valve needs to be installed in a high-risk area that is
                     too dangerous for a user to personally access to open
                     or close a valve. These areas include, for example,

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