Page 27 - FoodFocusThailand No.212 NOVEMBER 2023
P. 27


                     รูปที่่� 4  ตารางการใช้้ตราสััญลัักษณ์์ สัี แลัะตัวเลัข ตามมาตรฐาน IDDSI
                     Figure 4  Table of IDDSI symbols, colors and numbers for food labels

                       In  addition,  Precise ,  an Australian  manufacturer  of
                    thickness-modified  beverages,  has  also  adopted  IDDSI
                    symbols, colors, and numbers, which range from 2 to 4, on
                    its products such as drinking water, juice, milk tea, and flavored
                    milk (Figure 3).
                       Since IDDSI codes have begun to play a more prominent
                    role  in  foods  and  beverages  for  elderly  or  dysphagic
                    consumers, their popularity and usage are rising in many
                    countries. Food industry operators interested in applying IDDSI
                    solutions need to comply with IDDSI regulations concerning
                    size, color, and number codes (Figure 4). In addition, their
                    food test results must be subject to and confirmed by additional
                    IDDSI-prescribed tests. Nevertheless, the application of IDDSI
                    code of information must still be subject to the jurisdiction and
                    governing laws of each country’s food and drug authorities,
                    Thailand  included.  Thai  food  operators  need  to  keep
                    themselves updated to see how the IDDSI code of information
                    will be enforced and applied to different product types, such
                    as regular foods, elderly foods, or specific-purpose foods.
                    It is also interesting to see if the display of IDDSI code of
                    information will be imposed on voluntary or compulsory basis.
                    Manufacturers of elderly foods should prepare themselves
                    well and study any information related to food tests in order
                    to more efficiently satisfy the increasing demand of the ageing

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                     เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     Cichero, Julie AY, et al. "Development of international terminology
                       and definitions for texture-modified foods and thickened fluids
                       used in dysphagia management: the IDDSI framework."
                       Dysphagia 32.2 (2017): 293-314.
                     Cichero, Julie AY, et al. "Release of updated international dysphagia
                       diet standardisation initiative framework (IDDSI 2.0)." Journal of
                       Texture Studies 51.1 (2020): 195-196.
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