Page 57 - FoodFocusThailand No.213 DECEMBER 2023
P. 57


                        2.2 Organic Fertilizers
                     Anaerobic fermentation can be used   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                     to  produce  organic  fertilizers.   Liu, Z.; de Souza, T.S.P.; Holland, B.; Dunshea, F.; Barrow, C.; Suleria, H.A.R. Valorization
                     Microorganisms will break down         of Food Waste to Produce Value-Added Products Based on Its Bioactive Compounds.
                     organic  compounds,  yielding  by-     Processes 2023, 11, 840.
                     products that can be used to make    Almaraz-Sánchez, I.;  Amaro-Reyes, A.;  Acosta-Gallegos, J. A.; Mendoza-Sánchez, M.,
                     soil-enhancing substances.             Processing Agroindustry By-Products for Obtaining Value-Added Products and Reducing
                        2.3 Bioplastics The application     Environmental Impact. Journal of Chemistry 2022, 2022, 3656932.
                     of industrial food by-products to
                     produce bioplastics must start with
                     pretreatment  to  enhance  the  by-
                     pr oduct s’  proper t ies .   T he
                     pretreatment  may  include,  for                     More Information        Service Info C009
                     instance, physical, chemical,
                     biological, and enzymatic hydrolysis
                     methods. Commercially available
                     biopolymers include, for example,
                     polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs),
                     polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB),
                     polybutylene succinate (PBS), starch
                     blends, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), and
                     polylactic acid (PLA).
                        2.4 Animal Feeds Although food
                     industry  wastes can  be  used  to
                     manufacture raw materials for animal
                     feeds, they sometimes yield lower
                     levels of nutrients, which are not ideal
                     for animal feeds. This is because
                     most dry by-products contain high
                     amounts of carbohydrates and fiber.
                     Even though carbohydrate is one of
                     the main sources of energy in animal
                     feeds, an excess of fibers may
                     adversely affect the digestive system
                     and provide an inadequate level of
                     energy for animals. Therefore, it is
                     necessary to add food supplements,
                     such as minerals or vitamins, into
                     these feeds. According to a recent
                     finding, if by-products are fermented
                     or heated first, such a process can
                     help readjust the balance of nutrients,
                     although some nutrients may persist
                     and cannot be removed. Hence,
                     careful study to determine various
                     potential results is recommended
                     before applying these by-products in
                     the production of animal feeds.
                        Department of Food Science and
                     Technology, Faculty of Agro-industry,
                     Kasetsart University, is currently
                     conducting  a  study  concerning
                     applying industrial by-products from
                     mung beans processin industry,
                     which is one of the main raw materials
                     in plant-based products.  The
                     research effort is looking into the
                     effectiveness of various extraction
                     methods, the biological properties,
                     the safety of extracted substances,
                     and further potential application in
                     other foods.
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