Page 10 - FoodFocusThailand No.215 FEBRUARY 2024
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              BUILDING TRUST:

              VEGA's Long-Term Partnership

              and Innovative Solutions in Action

              For many years, the production processes of a renowned fruit juice company have been seamlessly guided by the
              precision and reliability of VEGA sensors. Situated in various critical points within the production line, including water
              and chemical tanks, wastewater treatment, and pasteurization processes, VEGA's sensors have proven indispensable.
              The enduring partnership is not only a testament to the technological prowess of the Schiltach-based sensor
              manufacturer but also highlights the exceptional relationship maintained throughout the years.

                   Overcoming Challenges in Tank Residue Management                                                                               A Colorful Innovation -
                   One notable challenge the fruit juice company faced was managing residues in a tank,                                           VEGAPOINT's Switching Status Display
                   a crucial point where aqueous pulp, a mixture of cellulose and solid materials, is collected.                                 A unique feature of the VEGAPOINT is its colorful,
                   Historically, vibrating level switches faced functionality issues due to the accumulation of                                  all-round switching status display. This visual
                   cellulose on the tuning forks, leading to overflows and spills. This not only resulted in
   C                                                                                                                                             indicator allows quick and easy recognition of the
                   operational disruptions but also demanded significant time and eort in cleaning the aected
   M                                                                                                                                             switching status, providing workers with constant
   Y                                                                                                                                             oversight of the tank's status. This not only enhances
                                                                                                                                                 eciency but also instills confidence in the operational
                                                                                                                                                 team, enabling them to focus on other tasks without
                                                                                                                                                 worrying about potential issues within the tank.
                   VEGAPOINT 21: A Game-Changer in Capacitive Point Level Measurement
                   In response to these challenges, VEGA introduced an innovative solution, the VEGAPOINT 21,
                   a capacitive point level measurement sensor. Even before its ocial market launch, the fruit juice
                   company embraced the opportunity to test this cutting-edge technology. The VEGAPOINT 21,                                       Conclusion: A Partnership that
                   with adjustable switching points for water-based liquids, operates as a capacitor with the tank                                Pioneers Innovation
                   forming the second electrode. Any change in capacitance, indicative of a level shift, is seamlessly
                   converted into a reliable switching signal.                                                                                   In conclusion, the enduring partnership between the
                                                                                                                                                 fruit juice company and VEGA is not just about reliability;
                   Installation of the new sensor was a breeze, aligning with the user-friendly nature of VEGA instruments.                      it's about continuous innovation that addresses specific
                   The simplicity of the connection process ensured minimal downtime during setup and commissioning,                             challenges. The VEGAPOINT 21 series has not only
                   contributing to uninterrupted daily operations.                                                                               met expectations but exceeded them, providing a
                                                                                                                                                 reliable and ecient solution to a critical point in the
                                                                                                                                                 production process. As technology continues to evolve,
                                                                                                                                                 this long-term partnership signifies a commitment to
                   Advantages of VEGAPOINT 21 Series                       Enhancing Operational Eciency                                        excellence, where challenges are met with cutting-edge
                   The VEGAPOINT 21 series oers versatile adaptability    The fruit juice company experienced tangible                          solutions, ensuring seamless operations in the
                   to various applications, requiring minimal adjustments.   benefits, not only in the avoidance of spills and                    ever-evolving landscape of fruit juice production.
                   Its independence from medium properties makes it        overflows but also in the sensor's ability to operate
                   adjustment-free, and its compact size allows installation   flawlessly amidst challenging conditions.
                   on both tanks and small pipelines. Cost-eectiveness,   The VEGAPOINT series extends its utility beyond
                   ease of use, and robust performance under challenging   level measurement, oering capabilities in overfill
                   conditions, including turbulence and changing media,    and dry run protection, oil/water, and foam detection.
                   make it a preferred choice.                             The option of wireless operation via Bluetooth with
                                                                           tablets or smartphones enhances flexibility in
                                                                           monitoring and adjusting parameters.                              VEGA Instruments Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                             Tel.: +66 2700 9240     E-mail:
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