Page 55 - FoodFocusThailand No.218 MAY 2024
P. 55
Analytical Techniques for It is evident that the analysis of prohibited substances primarily focuses on
Detecting Contaminants in inspecting contamination from pigs. However, according to Halal standards, there
Halal Food Products are still many other animals that are prohibited in Halal products. HSC data reveals
The techniques for analyzing prohibited contamination or adulteration of other prohibited animals in various countries.
substances in products developed by For example, in Malaysia, there is contamination of dog meat in sausage products,
the Halal Science Center (HSC) are while in Indonesia, there is contamination of rat meat in beef meatballs. In China,
designed to cover inspections from raw there are reports of rat meat being used in products made from lamb, while in
materials to finished products: Thailand, instances of fake beef made from dyeing pork with cow blood have
1. Analysis of gelatin recently emerged. These situations have significantly impacted consumers who
contamination: Gelatin contamination do not consume pork. Hence, the development of Multiplex PCR technique
can be detected using the combined with DNA Strip technology has been initiated. This modern, rapid,
hydroxyproline content method cost-effective method enables the inspection of Halal products, capable of
according to the AOAC 990.26 standard detecting various non-Halal animals simultaneously. This technology represents
as well as LC-MS/MS testing. This an advancement from the Multiplex HRMA technique, allowing for simultaneously
analysis of multiple non-Halal animals in a single test. This developed technology
method is used to detect porcine enables the simultaneously detection of potentially contaminating non-Halal
gelatin contamination in various food animals in Halal food, including pigs, dogs, rats, cats, and monkeys. The
products such as chewing gum, operational steps include: 1) Extracting DNA from food samples, 2) Increasing
desserts, candies, jellies, gelatin, ice the amount of target DNA using Multiplex PCR, and 3) Measuring the results with
cream, milk and dairy products, fruit DNA Strip test. The entire process takes a total of 90 minutes.
juices and beverages, sauces, and
mayonnaise. The Principle of Multiplex PCR Technique Combined with DNA
2. Analysis of fatty acid Strip
composition: The fatty acid Multiplex PCR is a method used to amplify multiple target DNA groups in the
composition analysis utilizes GC-MS same reaction tube. Its primary components include the template DNA of each
and GC-FID testing, following the target animal and primers specific to each prohibited animal. These primers are
method outlined by Lepage, G. and modified with Tag sequence at the 5’ position of the forward primer and biotin at
Roy, C.C., 1986. This analysis
determines the types and proportions
of fatty acids in food products containing
oils or fats as ingredients, such as oils,
milk and dairy products, meat and meat
products, chewing gum, sauces,
mayonnaise, curry pastes, chili pastes,
canned food products, and instant
3. Analysis of ethyl alcohol/
ethanol: The analysis of ethyl alcohol/
ethanol is conducted using Gas-Liquid
Chromatography (GLC) method in
accordance with the AOAC 973.23
standard to identify the presence of
alcohol in food products such as fruit
juices and beverages, synthetic colors
and flavors, dipping sauces, seasoning
sauces, and energy drinks.
4. Analysis of porcine DNA: The
analysis of porcine DNA contamination
is achieved using the real-time PCR
method, capable of identifying genetic
material (DNA) from pigs in processed
products from animal meat, such as
sausages and meatballs. Additionally,
this method can detect porcine DNA in
seasoning sauces, soup powders,
curry pastes, chili pastes, and canned
food products.
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