Page 46 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
P. 46
Foods to avoid and precautions: patients are advised to as “therapeutic diets” by the Ministry of Public Health
steer clear of sweet foods and beverages, such as candies, notification.
desserts, and processed items preserved in syrup. Additionally, • The phosphorus- and potassium-restricted diet
it is recommended to avoid pickled or sweetened foods, as closely resembles regular food but incorporates ingredients
well as fruits preserved in syrup or canned fruits. with low phosphorus and/or potassium content. It is typically
2. The fat-restricted diet closely resembles typical dietary recommended for patients in the early stages of kidney
options but is intentionally formulated to contain reduced fat disease.
content, often with less cholesterol due to cooking methods • The low-bacterial diet entails hygienically cooked meals
like boiling, baking, steaming, and grilling. This diet is particularly with minimal bacterial presence, achieved through thorough
beneficial for patients aiming to manage weight or address thermal processing of all ingredients. Patients are advised to
health concerns related to the gallbladder, digestive and steer clear of raw or undercooked foods, fresh fruits and
absorption systems, elevated blood lipid levels, cardiovascular vegetables, and pickled items. This dietary regimen is
health, and hypertension. particularly beneficial for immunocompromised individuals,
Foods to avoid and precautions: patients are advised to including cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and organ
refrain from consuming high-fat foods, fatty meats, animal transplant recipients on immunosuppressants.
innards, duck and chicken skin, salad dressings, fried foods, • Tube-feeding diet, in Thailand, can be categorized into
and dishes containing coconut milk. the following two types:
3. The protein-restricted or low-protein diet supplies an • The blenderized diet (BD) for tube feeding comprises
appropriate energy level while limiting protein intake to a ingredients from the five main food groups, cooked and
maximum of 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. blended in medically prescribed proportions to ensure
Some variations may also restrict sodium and potassium. This adequate intake of energy and nutrients as per treatment
diet is particularly suitable for chronic kidney patients with plans. Typically, the blenderized diet has an average caloric
uremia and acute renal failure. concentration ranging from 0.5 to 1.2 kcal/cc. However,
Foods to avoid and precautions: patients should not patients with restricted water intake may require a higher
consume beans and high-protein vegetables. While high-quality concentration, between 1.2 and 2 kcal/cc, which can lead to
proteins like eggs and lean meats can be included, they should a stickier texture, slower flow, and potential feeding tube
be consumed within the confines of the prescribed daily protein clogging. Therefore, careful design or modification of the
limit. formulas for this diet type is essential.
4. The high-protein diet closely resembles regular or light • Commercial formulas are typically imported from
dietary options but is characterized by a protein content overseas and offer a diverse range of options specially crafted
exceeding 15 percent of the recommended daily caloric intake. to address specific patient conditions. These formulas are
This diet is particularly beneficial for pre- or post-surgery available in two main forms: canned fluids, which are ready
patients, individuals recovering from burns, undergoing dialysis, to consume, and powders that can be mixed with the
or those with protein deficiency. recommended amount of water before consumption. The latter
Foods to avoid and precautions: foods designed for these is more commonly used for tube feeding due to its versatility
patient groups should prioritize high-quality protein sources, and offers an average caloric concentration ranging from 0.5
such as lean meat, milk, and egg. In cases of swelling, patients to 2.0 kcal/cc.
should also limit their sodium intake. • The texture-modified diet is formulated for patients with
5. The sodium-restricted or low-sodium diet bears a chewing and swallowing difficulties, with its physical
resemblance with typical food choices but is characterized by properties—such as hardness, viscosity, stickiness,
a milder taste and reduced sodium content as prescribed by cohesiveness, and adhesiveness—specially adjusted.
healthcare professionals. This dietary approach is recommended Modifications extend to the viscosity of liquids and drinks;
for individuals dealing with hypertension, cardiovascular excessively high viscosity may impede swallowing, while overly
disease, cirrhosis, and kidney issues. liquid foods pose the risk of aspiration into the trachea, leading
Foods to avoid and precautions: patients are to choking and lung infections. Prescription or selection of diet
recommended to avoid foods containing baking powder, added types must account for the severity of patients’ pathological
salt, fish sauce, and dips – salty or otherwise. conditions and their chewing and swallowing impairments to
6. The low-residue diet is highly digestible and can be ensure safe consumption, adequate intake of energy, nutrients,
almost completely absorbed by the body, thus leaving fewer and water, prevention of malnutrition, and reduction of potential
to no undigested components. However, it may lack adequate medical complications.
vitamins and minerals. This diet is particularly beneficial for In summary, diet serves as a keystone in preserving the
individuals experiencing severe diarrhea and pre- or post- nutritional well-being of patients. The adaptation of food,
operative patients preparing for or recuperating from intestinal nutrients, and textures stems from the comprehensive
surgery. understanding of clinical nutrition, human physiology, and
Foods to avoid and precautions: patients are advised to human pathology. This knowledge is instrumental in crafting
refrain from consuming dairy products, cheese, fruits, disease-specific therapeutic diets, ultimately enhancing the
vegetables, fiber-rich cereals, sticky-textured foods, intensely quality of life for patients.
flavored items, greasy fried foods, spices, and pickled foods.
Furthermore, numerous other dietary approaches offer
therapeutic benefits and can optimize the nutrition of patients
with specific pathological conditions, despite not being classified More Information Service Info C004
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