Page 41 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
P. 41


                     these processes, AI can improve overall   errors and reduced reliance on manual labor. This not only minimizes costs but
                     production efficiency, product quality,   also significantly boosts production efficiency.  With automated systems operating
                     and safety standards within the food   tirelessly, manufacturers can achieve continuous production, maximizing output
                     processing industry. For instance, AI   and ultimately driving long-term profitability. However, the future of manufacturing
                     systems can be trained to identify subtle   lies not just in automation, but in the integration of AI and machine learning
                     defects  in  food  products,  such  as   technologies. Food manufacturing businesses can leverage AI and ML to unlock
                     blemishes on fruits, which might escape   a new level of operational excellence. These technologies can enhance resource
                     human inspectors.  This not only     allocation, streamline workflows, and increase overall efficiency. But this is just
                     improves the overall quality of processed   the beginning. As AI and ML continue to evolve, we can expect even greater
                     beverages but also reduces waste by   advancements in areas.
                     preventing the packaging of flawed
                        2. IoT monitoring systems utilize
                     affordable sensors and widespread                      More Information        Service Info C003
                     connectivity to enable real-time
                     monitoring throughout the supply chain.
                     This  is particularly  crucial  for dairy
                     products, where constant monitoring of
                     temperature and humidity is essential
                     to ensure quality and safety. For
                     instance, sensors installed on trucks or
                     smart crates can track temperature,
                     humidity, and location during delivery,
                     providing detailed information about
                     product conditions to prevent spoilage.
                     Additionally, AI-powered  condition
                     monitoring offers a significant advantage
                     by providing real-time insights into
                     equipment  performance  through
                     continuous analysis of sensor data. This
                     enables early fault detection, allowing
                     for  proactive  interventions  before
                     breakdowns occur and cause costly
                        3. In the study mentioned earlier,
                     edge computing also plays a crucial
                     role in cyber-physical systems (CPS)
                     and  the  Internet  of  Things  (IoT)
                     applications within milk production.
                     Edge computing involves placing
                     computing  resources  such  as
                     processing power, storage,  and
                     analytics  closer  to  where  data  is
                     generated, rather than relying solely on
                     centralized data centers. By doing so,
                     edge computing reduces latency, or the
                     delay in data processing, and enables
                     real-time management of large volumes
                     of IoT data. For beverage manufacturers,
                     sensors attached to milk tanks on farms
                     can monitor milk temperature, fill level,
                     and other vital data. Edge computing
                     on the farm then processes this data in
                     real time, triggering alerts for abnormal
                     conditions,  such  as  temperature
                     fluctuations that could indicate spoilage.
                     Additionally, it can optimize milk
                     collection schedules based on tank fill
                        In  conclusion,  automation  in
                     manufacturing offers a compelling value
                     proposition. By automating repetitive
                     tasks, manufacturers achieve consistent
                     and precise production, leading to fewer

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