Page 36 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
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             income, influenced by factors beyond national borders. For   wasteful or unproductive in terms of utilizing workers’ time and
             instance, the automotive sector, boasting an annual economic   potential to their fullest capacity. Such loss can impact both
             value surpassing trillions of baht, incurs expenses tied to   frontline workers and supporting units, including maintenance,
             imported auto parts and machinery, car design, recruitment   engineering, warehouse, quality control, and production
             of foreign personnel, and international brand licensing fees.   planning departments. Furthermore, while nonfunctioning
             Conversely, the primary inputs for the food industry often   machinery is often seen as a mere loss of resources, adopting
             comprise domestically sourced raw materials. Therefore,   a different mindset reveals it as a cost incurred through missed
             augmenting agricultural output to increase yields can yield   opportunities. This perspective sheds light on overlooked
             positive repercussions on the nation’s overall productivity   aspects such as wasted time for value setting and adjustments,
             and the equitable distribution of wealth among local farmers,   potential losses during batch changes due to machine
             who constitute a significant portion of the population.  downtime, reduced operational speed, subpar performance,
                                                                and waste issues. These considerations are particularly relevant
             Loss  and  Cost  Reduction  in  Production         in the context of the “green earth” trend, which emphasizes
                                                                energy conservation, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and
             Processes                                          the careful selection of green energy sources.
             Added value hinges on two primary factors: input and output.
             Consequently, the generation of added value can be achieved   Addition of Value to Products
             through two methods: waste/cost reduction and value   Another value-adding strategy involves either maintaining the
             creation. The former entails minimizing input usage and   same input quantity or investing more in inputs to increase
             identifying pivotal areas susceptible to losses. Unused   goods production. This added value can be achieved by scaling
             ingredients represent missed opportunities to enhance added   up  either the quantity or the value  of products.  In  the
             value, while certain stages are inherently more prone to   contemporary landscape, technology is advancing rapidly, albeit
             losses. This concept can be encapsulated in the following   with technology costs trending downwards. Consequently, the
             equation (2):                                      break-even points for adopting new technologies are becoming
                                                                more attainable. However, businesses must ensure that their
                                   Input = Output + Waste              (2)  production systems strike a balance between manual operation,
                                                                automation, and semi-automation to remain competitive.
               For instance, not all fish make it to the canned fish industry   One of the primary advantages of automation is its capability
             shelves due to various factors like  non-standard raw material   to mitigate the risks of human-induced contamination. With
             size, prolonged storage, stacking-induced bruises, subpar   round-the-clock operation, automation can be consistently
             quality, and the removal of undesirable parts like bones and   maintained through proper upkeep and maintenance planning.
             intestines, resulting in input loss. Moreover, loss occurs   However, human ingenuity shines brightest in fostering
             through damage in production, low-quality output, transport   creativity, which is instrumental in driving continuous
             mishaps, and oversupply, prompting manufacturers to slash   improvement. Guided by the Kaizen principle, the process of
             prices to clear excess stock. Nonetheless, efficient loss   adding technological value encompasses every physical
             management is key to reducing production costs, a principle   procedure, spanning from ingredient reception, food processing,
             every factory should prioritize.                   and packaging to intra-facility logistics, warehouse management,
                                                                and customer delivery. This principle also encompasses
               Expanding  the  perspective  to  encompass  the  lean
             principle, which asserts that any process or input not leading   technologies for data management, including storage, analysis,
                                                                processing, and reporting via dashboard monitors, smartphones,
             to  customer  satisfaction  is  deemed  “loss”,  enables   or  other  communication  devices.  Furthermore,  current
             manufacturers to view loss from a more comprehensive   technological opportunities include automation, blockchain for
             standpoint. Loss isn’t confined to raw materials; it also   traceability, Internet of Things (IoT), and RFID tag sensors,
             encompasses a vital organizational asset: human labor. This   enabling real-time tracking across the entire supply chain.
             definition of loss extends to the creation of benefits that prove   Moreover, 3-D printing technologies cater to individual client
                                                                needs, AI systems aid in quality control, and cloud systems
                                                                reduce the necessity for physical IT investments. Added value
                                                                creation extends to enhancing various product aspects to
                                                                augment  consumer  perception:  refining  product  features,
                                                                evoking consumer emotions through comprehensive studies
                                                                of consumer behavior, and analyzing emerging social trends
                                                                such as aging populations and alternative dietary preferences.
                                                                   The foundation of a successful business lies in the ongoing
                                                                enhancement of productivity through added value, achieved by
                                                                both minimizing loss and maximizing value creation. This
                                                                operational objective is attainable through effective management
                                                                of resources, processes, and data, coupled with the strategic
                                                                application of appropriate technologies to develop products that
                                                                precisely meet consumers’ demands.

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            36   FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  JUN  2024

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