Page 62 - FoodFocusThailand No.219 June 2024
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                                                                  solution in Figure 2), while increasing it in the concentrated
                                                                  solution (ion concentrated liquid in Figure 2). In practice,
                                                                  reducing the sodium chloride content to zero is not feasible,
                                                                  as the fish sauce would lose an excessive amount of its
                                                                  characteristic flavor substances.
                                                                     Based on the above-mentioned principles, an industrial-
                                                                  scale electrodialysis unit has been developed, capable of
                                                                  reducing the sodium chloride content in 100 liter of fish sauce
                                                                  per batch, as shown in Figure 3. The unit can remove more
                                                                  than 40% of sodium chloride and potassium chloride from
                                                                  fish sauce (from around 1500 milligrams to less than 900
                                                                  milligrams and from 50 milligrams to less than 30 milligrams,
                                                                  respectively), while maintaining the natural color, aroma, and
                                                                  taste of fish sauce, making it acceptable to consumers. This
             at 2,000 milligrams per day. However, many consumers still   low-sodium and low-potassium fish sauce can be used as
             consume more sodium than that recommended, with fish   a seasoning product that helps reduce the risk of high blood
             sauce being a significant source. Typical fish sauce available   pressure in the general population and is also suitable for
             in the market contains over 20% sodium chloride (with an   patients with kidney disease who cannot consume a large
             average of 25-28%). When used as a seasoning or a primary   amount of potassium chloride. Such fish sauce contains
             ingredient in dipping sauces, sodium intake of consumers   more than 9 grams of total nitrogen per liter, equating to 62
             correspondingly increases. Therefore, fish sauce is a product   grams of total protein per liter, the amount comparable to
             that health-conscious consumers and those with health issues   that of a regular fish sauce as per the Ministry of Public Health
             should avoid. Although there exist low-sodium fish sauces   Announcement No. 203. The fish sauce is also free from
             that use potassium chloride as a substitute for sodium chloride,   pathogenic bacteria and heavy metals.
             such products possess some important limitations. Sodium   In summary, electrodialysis can be used to produce
             chloride  cannot  be  substituted  at  a  higher  amount  as   low-sodium and low-potassium fish sauce while retaining
             potassium chloride may impart a bitter taste, making the so-  the characteristic aroma and flavor of the product, making it
             called ‘low-sodium’ fish sauce unacceptable to consumers.   acceptable  to  consumers. The  product  is  made  from
             More importantly, such products are unsuitable for patients   genuine fish sauce without added flavoring components and
             with certain kidney and/or heart diseases (Figure 1). This has   can be used as a seasoning to reduce the risk of high blood
             led to the need to produce low-sodium (and low-potassium)   pressure in the general population and for patients with kidney
             fish sauce using other production processes, namely,   disease who cannot consume a large amount of potassium
             electrodialysis, with the aim to develop a product that exhibits   chloride.
             unique aroma and flavor acceptable to consumers from
             genuine fish sauce without added flavoring agents.

             Production of Low-Sodium and Low-Potassium                    More Information        Service Info C007
             Fish Sauce by Electrodialysis
             Electrodialysis is a separation process that uses an electric
             potential difference between an anode and a cathode to drive
             ion separation through ion-exchange membranes placed   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
             alternately between the electrodes. The process begins by   กรุุงเทพธุุรุกิจ (2559) มิิติิใหมิ่การุลดบรุิโภคเค็มิกับอนาคติของสัังคมิไทย
             introducing a high-sodium chloride solution (dilute stream)     [, เข้าถึึงเมิ่�อ
             and a low-sodium chloride solution (concentrated stream) into     13 สัิงหาคมิ พ.ศ. 2565]
             the flow channels between the ion-exchange membranes, as   สัำานักงานคณะกรุรุมิการุอาหารุและยา (2543) ปรุะกาศกรุะทรุวงสัาธุารุณสัุข
             shown in Figure 2. When a direct electric potential difference     ฉบับท่� 203 เรุ่�อง นำ�าปลา [
             is applied between the electrodes, sodium chloride dissociates     moph/P203.pdf, เข้าถึึงเมิ่�อ 13 สัิงหาคมิ พ.ศ. 2565]
             into ions. Positively charged ions (Na ) move towards the   สัำานักงานคณะกรุรุมิการุอาหารุและยา (2561) ปรุะกาศสัำานักงานคณะกรุรุมิการุ
             cathode through the cation-exchange membrane (C) and are     อาหารุและยา เรุ่�อง คำาชี้่�แจงปรุะกาศกรุะทรุวงสัาธุารุณสัุข ฉบับท่� 392 [http://
             blocked by the anion-exchange membrane (A), while, เข้าถึึงเมิ่�อ 13
             negatively charged ions (Cl ) move towards the anode through     สัิงหาคมิ พ.ศ. 2565]
             the anion-exchange membrane and are blocked by the cation-  Chindapan N., Devahastin S., Chiewchan N. (2009) Electrodialysis de
             exchange membrane. This results in alternating high and low     salination of fish sauce. J. Food Sci. 74, E363-E371.
             ion concentrations in each flow channel, reducing the sodium   Chindapan N., Devahastin S., Chiewchan N., Sablani S.S. (2011)
             chloride (as well as potassium chloride, which is naturally     Desalination of fish sauce by electrodialysis: Effect on selected aroma
             present in fish sauce) content in the fish sauce (desalted     compounds and amino acid compositions. J. Food Sci. 76, S451–S457.

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