Page 28 - FoodFocusThailand No.220 July 2024
P. 28


               Several food and beverage products are also specifically              Power-up snacks
            tailored to meet the nutritional needs and lifestyle demands             The keto-friendly, low-sugar
            of working-age groups. For example, energy bars and                      Bulletproof Protein Crisp Bar is ideal
            protein shakes are popular choices, providing a convenient               for keto dieters seeking a bar with a
            source of protein and carbohydrates for sustained energy                 simple ingredient list and no artificial
            throughout the day. These products often come in various                 sweeteners. These bars are gluten-
            flavors and formats, catering to different taste preferences             and dairy-free, providing 11 g of pea
            and on-the-go lifestyles. Additionally, functional beverages             protein, 1 g of sugar, and 4 g of net
            enriched with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are                   carbs. Available in delicious flavors
            gaining popularity among working professionals, offering   like salted caramel, peanut butter chocolate chip, coconut
            a quick and refreshing way to replenish nutrients and stay   chocolate chip, and chocolate mint chip, they ensure quality with
            hydrated during busy days. Innovative product formats,   peanuts and peanut butter sourced and tested to meet EU toxin
            such as meal replacement shakes and nutrient-packed   compliance. They are perfect for those minimizing carbohydrate
            snack packs, offer convenient options for those with hectic   intake.
            schedules, providing essential nutrients in a portable and
            easy-to-consume form. If you are seeking inspiration for   Image source:
            convenient, nutrient-rich  solutions  tailored  to  this
            demographic,  look  no  further  than  these  intriguing           Vitamin-infused water
            examples:                                                          Ditch the dull water routine with a single-
                                                                               serving packet of 310 Wildberry Hydrate
                           Nutrition for cognitive wellness                    Electrolyte Drink Mix.  This delicious,
                           GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is a                 electrolyte-rich beverage transforms plain
                           naturally occurring brain chemical that             water into a  functional powerhouse by
                           acts like a brake on the nervous system.            boosting your energy and immunity with B
                           It is thought to be involved in everything          vitamins and vitamin C. Perfect for peak
                           from  relaxation  and  sleep  to  muscle            performance and defense, shake or stir, and
                           control and blood pressure. Our bodies   enjoy. It is the ideal solution for a busy lifestyle!
                           naturally produce GABA, but it is also
                           found in a variety of foods like tempeh,   Image source:
                           kimchi, and sourdough bread. For added   mix-wildberry-30-sticks-0-18-oz-5-1-g-each/114806?gad_source=1&gclid=C-
            convenience, GABA supplements are also available in   jwKCAjwgdayBhBQEiwAXhMxtjhKu9Ox0VDqVmfLeTpj76AkleuS-htBrPvV_
            capsule form.                                     Djyqjknb6du8mBVExoCfZUQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
            Image source:  A recipe for success
                                                              The data is clear: Millennials and Gen Z prioritize health and are
                           Meal replacement options           willing to embrace convenient, functional food options. This
                           This on-the-go nutrition in a bottle packs   presents a unique opportunity for product development, research,
                           a complete, balanced meal in a     and  innovation  within  the  food  and  beverage  industry.  By
                           convenient and delicious format,   understanding the specific needs and preferences of working-age
                           ensuring a meal is never missed. Each   populations, you can develop targeted solutions that not only fuel
                           ready-to-drink bottle is packed  with   their busy lifestyles but also contribute to their overall well-being.
                           essential nutrients like fiber, complex   The possibilities are endless, from reformulating existing products
                           carbohydrates, and 15 g of protein, along   with a focus on added vitamins and minerals to creating innovative
                           with vital micronutrients for a healthy   snack packs and meal replacements that are both delicious and
                           diet. One Feed Original drink equals one   nutritious.
            meal, perfect for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
            Image source:
                                                                        More Information        Service Info C002
                            Daily dose of essentials
                            Easy-to-drink protein really exists!
                            Break all the rules for eating protein   เอกสารอ้างอิง / References
                            with this versatile, odorless protein   1
                            powder. Enjoy it cold or hot-both are     force/#:~:text=By%202025%2C%20millennials%20will%20ac
                            equally good. Delicious and wow-     count,they%20are%20engaged%20at%20work.
                            worthy, Super Clear Protein Jelly is a     healthy-food-over-netflix-during-cos
                            convenient plant-based option with   3
                            only 35 kcal, no cow’s milk or soy, 0%     176.pdf
            sugar and fat, low sodium, and fortified with extracts like
            peach ceramide, astaxanthin, pine bark, Q10, as well as
            tomato and melon extracts. Aside from its delectable taste,
            the product also boasts satiating properties that contribute
            to a feeling of fullness and support skin health and beauty.
            Image source:      jwKCAjwgdayBhBQEiwAXhMxtjhKu9Ox0VDqVmfLeTpj76AkleuS-ht
            28   FOOD FOCUS THAILAND  JUL  2024

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