Page 44 - FoodFocusThailand No.221 August 2024
P. 44


                      Ultrasonic  Washers  Leveraging  high-
                      frequency sound waves, ultrasonic washers
                      represent a significant advancement in food
              processing sanitation. These innovative machines generate
              microscopic bubbles that penetrate deep into the produce,
              effectively removing dirt, pesticides, and bacteria. This not
              only enhances food safety but also eliminates the need for
              harsh chemicals that can compromise product quality.
              Additionally, ultrasonic washing offers increased efficiency,
              enabling faster processing times and reduced water
              consumption compared to traditional methods. Some models
              even provide multi-functionality, integrating basic washing,
              disinfection, and pre-processing capabilities. Equipped with
              features such as work time control systems, water transfer
              valves, and automatic shut-off mechanisms, ultrasonic   enhance product quality, extend shelf life, reduce labor costs,
              washers ensure reliable and controlled operation within food   and  streamline  production  processes,  making  them  a
              processing facilities. This technology presents a compelling   valuable investment for businesses handling large quantities
              solution for enhancing food safety, improving operational   of vegetables.
              efficiency, and conserving resources in modern food
              processing.                                                  Fruit Peeling Machines Manual fruit peeling
                                                                           requires skill and experience and can be time-
                       Vegetable Water Shakers Residual water              consuming, especially in industrial settings.
                       left on vegetable leaves after washing can harbor   Inexperienced workers might remove too much flesh, leading
                       bacteria,  soil,  fertilizer,  and  pests,  posing  a   to unnecessary waste and risking injury from knives. Fruit
              significant risk of food poisoning. Additionally, excessive   peeling machines offer an efficient solution for this task.
              moisture promotes germ growth and accelerates food   These machines are ideal for round fruits like watermelon,
              spoilage, particularly in protein-rich foods. To address these   melon, pumpkin, papaya, and potatoes. The machine
              challenges, vegetable water shakers have emerged as a   operates using a rotating spindle. Place the fruit on the base,
              revolutionary solution, effectively removing excess water   secure the stem end with a pin, and activate the machine
              and preserving the freshness of produce. These innovative   to rotate the fruit. Users can also adjust the rotation speed
              machines employ centrifugal force and filtration to gently   for optimal results. Some advanced models even offer multi-
              remove water from vegetables without damaging delicate   functionality, peeling, trimming the ends, and slicing the fruit
              leaves. Vegetable water shakers can handle large quantities   all in one step, providing consistent quality, cleanliness, and
              of produce and complete the drying process in a matter of   extended freshness due to minimal handling and no hand
              minutes. Some models offer programmable timers, allowing   touching.
              for hands-free operation and seamless integration into
              production workflows.                                        Automatic Fruit and Vegetable Slicers
                                                                           The automatic fruit and vegetable slicer is ideal
                      Fruit Sorting Machines These innovative              for the food processing industry, emphasizing
                      machines  streamline  the  sorting  process,   speed, safety, and consistent output. With a capacity of
                      minimizing waste and maximizing the value of   several hundred kilograms per hour, the machine ensures
              harvested fruits and vegetables. Their user-friendly design   precise cuts to desired sizes and shapes, such as dicing,
              and lightweight construction make them suitable for both   slicing, and shredding, by simply adjusting the blades. Some
              orchard applications and large-scale processing facilities.   models feature automatic cleaning systems, reducing
              Fruit  sorting  machines  rapidly and precisely separate   preparation time for the next production run. It is suitable for
              produce based on size and weight, ensuring consistent   slicing stable ingredients like carrots, lettuce, potatoes, and
              quality and reducing labor costs. Sorting mechanisms vary,   various fruits.
              such as using roller conveyors with openings of different
              sizes to separate fruits by diameter or electronic scales that   Modified Atmosphere  Packaging
              automatically classify fruits by weight.                     Machines A Modified Atmosphere Packaging
                                                                           (MAP) machine extends the shelf life of various
                      Vegetable Blanchers  Vegetable blanchers     foods packaged in cans, bottles, or bags. It works by
                      automate the blanching process, ensuring even   adjusting the gas mixture inside the packaging, typically
              cooking and consistent quality by immersing vegetables in   reducing oxygen levels and adding carbon dioxide and
              hot water or steam at 90-100°C for 6-10 minutes. Using a   nitrogen. This process minimizes oxidation, slows microbial
              conveyor belt system, they efficiently transport vegetables,   growth, and keeps food fresh, appealing, and longer-lasting.
              retaining their vibrant colors, flavors, and nutritional value   The MAP machine is suitable for a range of foods, including
              while deactivating spoilage enzymes. These machines   vegetables, fruits, meats, beverages, and baked goods.

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